The Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies (HONLEA), Africa, held their 27th Meeting from 18 to 22 September 2017 at the conference venue of the hotel Citadel Azur, in Hurghada, Egypt. Participants from the law enforcement, foreign affairs and health sectors held fruitful discussions and adopted a number of expert recommendations, which will be submitted to the sixty-first session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) in 2018 for its consideration.
The working groups, held during the Meeting, focused on and adopted operational recommendations on effective measures to counter money-laundering and illicit financial flows; enhancing coordination of the regional communication platforms that support drug law enforcement across Africa; and trafficking in new psychoactive substances, including khat, benzodiazepines and tramadol, and law enforcement responses. A post-UNGASS working group on the specific needs of women and girls in the context of the world drug problem was held as well.
The 27th Meeting of HONLEA, Africa, also discussed the follow-up to the special session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem held in April 2016. Participants inter alia reaffirmed their Governments' continued commitment to the goals and objectives of the three international drug control conventions and emphasized the importance of ensuring the health, welfare and wellbeing of mankind. The need to advance efforts towards creating a society free of drug abuse was noted by a number of speakers. It was noted that despite the progress made to date, drug trafficking and related offences continued to pose a major threat to security, health and the socio-economic conditions in many countries. Several speakers emphasized that the cultivation of and trafficking in cannabis continued to be a major concern for countries in the African region and mentioned efforts taken at the national level to reduce cannabis cultivation, in particular in rural areas. Several speakers also mentioned demand reduction measures that their Governments had been undertaking.
List of documents (available in the languages of the Meeting: Arabic - English - French)
Document Symbol |
Title |
Questionnaire on the recommendations adopted by the Twenty-fifth Meeting of HONLEA, Africa |
Provisional agenda and annotations |
Report of the Secretariat on statistics on drug trafficking trends in Africa and worldwide |
Note by the Secretariat on current situation with respect to regional and subregional cooperation countering drug trafficking |
Note by the Secretariat on the Implementation of the recommendations adopted by the Twenty-fifth Meeting of HONLEA, Africa |
Note by the Secretariat on the organization of the Twenty-eighth Meeting of HONLEA, Africa | |
Report of the Twenty-seventh Meeting of HONLEA, Africa |
Background note by the Secretariat - Working group on addressing the specific needs of women and girls in the context of the world drug problem |
Outcome document adopted by the General Assembly at its special session on the world drug problem (19-21 April 2016, New York), entitled "Out joint commitment to effectively addressing and countering the world drug problem" |
Joint Ministerial Statement of the 2014 High-Level Review by the Commission on Narcotic Drugs of the Implementation by Member States of the Political Declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug Problem |
Political Declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation towards an integrated and balanced strategy to counter the world drug problem |