Preparations for 2019 Ministerial Segment
In the Political Declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug Problem, adopted by the Commission on Narcoic Drugs in 2009, Member States established 2019 as a target date for the goals set out in the Political Declaration.In light of the 2019 target date, the Commission decided to convene a ministerial segment (CND Resolution 60/1) at its 62nd regular session from 14-15 March 2019, taking stock of the implementation of the commitments made to jointly address and counter the world drug problem.The Commission adopted a detailed workplan to prepare for the ministerial segment and held three rounds of intersessional meetings in September, October and November 2018. In addition, the Commission held a special segment on the preparations for 2019 at its reconvened session in December 2018.
2019 Ministerial Segment
[statements][photos] The 62nd session of the CND was held from 14 to 22 March 2019, with a ministerial segment on 14 and 15 March, with a record participation of 2,400 representatives, from more than 140 Member States, 22 intergovernmental organizations and more than 90 civil society organizations. The ministerial segment was attended by a Head of State, a Head of Government and over 30 cabinet-rank ministers.The ministerial segment included a general debate as well as two interactive, multi-stakeholder round tables, conducted in parallel with the general debate. [Summary of salient points of the round tables]
2019 Ministerial Declaration At the opening of the Ministerial Segment, Ministers and government representatives adopted by consensus the 2019 Ministerial Declaration on strengthening actions at the national, regional and international levels to accelerate the implementation of joint commitments to address and counter the world drug problem.With the adoption of the 2019 Ministerial Declaration, Member States committed to focus on the practical implementation of the joint commitments made over the past decade. Member States further reiterated the principal policymaking role of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, and committed to support, through the CND, broad, transparent and inclusive discussions, involving all relevant stakeholders.In the Declaration, Member States resolved to review in the Commission in 2029 the progress made in implementing the policy commitments, with a mid-term review in 2024.
Follow-up processIn the follow-up to the 2019 Ministerial Declaration, the Commission adopted, during its fourth intersessional meeting on 24 June 2019, a multi-year workplan for the period 2019-2023, with a view to accelerating the implementation of all international drug policy commitments.The multi-year workplan foresees organization of thematic discussions every autumn to foster a dialogue and exchange on good practices, challenges and lessons learned - in line with the commitment made by Member Stats in the Declaration to continue to foster through the CND a broad, transparent and inclusive discussion, involving all relevant stakeholders including law enforcement, judicial and health-care personnel, civil society, academia and relevant UN entities.