Ghada Waly, Executive Director of UNODC
Ambassador Umej Bhatia of Singapore, Group of Friends of UNODC Research
Angela ME, Chief of the Research and Trend Analysis Branch of UNODC
Sunday Joseph MBONA, Director, Prosecution and Legal Services, National Drug Law Enforcement Agency of Nigeria
Mehmet Fatih UÇAR, Director of Proceeds of Crime Division of the Counter-Narcotics Department of Turkish National Police [video]
Juan Manuel NúñEZ LÓPEZ, Advisor to the Ministry of Justice and Law of Colombia
Christopher BULKAN, Vice Chair of the UN Human Rights Committee
Leif VILLADSEN, Senior Programme Management Officer of the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute
David CAUNTER, Coordinator of the Drug Unit of INTERPOL
Jari LIUKKU, the Head of European Serious Organised Crime Centre of EUROPOL
Ambassador Adam NAMM, the Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission of the Organization of American States
Tariq KHOSA, Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs
Additional Member States experts:
Edgar Guerrero CENTENO; Director General de Analisis Nacional del Centro de Planeacion, Analisis e lnformacion para el Combate a la Delincuencia (CENAP) de Mexico [statement]
Masood KARIMIPOUR, Chief, Terrorism Prevention Branch of UNODC
Pierre LAPAQUE, Representative of the UNODC Country Office in Colombia
Riku LEHTOVUORI, UNODC Paris Pact Programme Coordinator, and David FREND, Anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism Adviser
Ketil OTTERSON, Senior Programme Coordinator, Implementation Support Section, and Nicholas COLE, Programme Coordinator for the Container Control Programme in the Regional Office for Central America and the Caribbean in Panama
Martin FOWKE, the Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling Section of UNODC
Simonetta GRASSI, the Implementation Support Section of the Organized Crime Branch of UNODC
Nukila Evanty, Uganda Youth Development Link [video]
Gustavo Alberto Orozco Lince, Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs
Kelly Beker, Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs
Alex Chung, University College London, Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy [video]
Angela ME, Chief, UNDODC Research and Trend Analysis Branch
Michiel VAN DYK, Head of The Global Programme Against Money Laundering, UNODC Cybercrime and Anti-Money Laundering Section
Ibrahim Abdul, Director Assets and Financial Investigation National Drug Law Enforcement Agency of Nigeria
Mohammad NASRUN, Main investigator at the Directorate of Interdiction, Deputy of Eradication of the National Narcotics Board of Indonesia
Cindy Guadalupe Mendoza PÉREZ, Director for International Affairs, Ministry of Finance and Public Credit of Mexico.
Vladimir PANOV, Consultant of the Directorate on Countering Money Laundering of the Federal Financial Monitoring Service of the Russian Federation
Stephen Fry, Commander, Criminal Assets Confiscation, Australian Federal Police
Burkhard MÜHL, Head of Europol’s Economic and Financial Crime Centre (EFECC), Operations department of EUROPOL
John Collins, Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs
Additional Member States experts:
Priya BISESWAR, Special Director of Public Prosecutions, Asset Forfeiture Unit, National Prosecuting Authority of South Africa
Kylly Samhaa Almada Fernandes, President of the Union of Magistrates Association of the Public Ministry of Cape Verde
Shervin Majlessi, Chief Conference Support Section, UNODC Corruption and Economic Crime Branch
Atuweni AGBERMODJI and Lindy Muzila, the UNODC Regional office for Southern Africa
Fitz-Roy DRAYTON, UNODC Regional Office for Southeast Asia and the Pacific, Thailand
Kodjo ATTISSO, the UNODC Regional office for West and Central Africa, Senegal
Danilo Campisi, the Regional Programme for Afghanistan and Neighbouring Countries of UNODC.
Gabriel Andreuccetti, Coordinator for the Center of Excellence on Illicit Drug Supply Reduction of UNODC Brazil
Peggy Chukwuemeka, World Federation against Drugs [video]
Milutin Milošević, International Drug Policy Consortium
Chloé CARPENTIER, Chief, Drug Research Section, UNODDC
Neil WALSH, Chief, Cybercrime and Anti-Money Laundering Section, UNODC
Agus IRIANTO, PhD, Head of Research, Data, and Information Centre, National Narcotics Control Board, Republic of Indonesia
Zakes Sethwape, Colonel, South African Police Service
Dmitry SAPEGIN, Deputy Head of Section on countering drug-related threats in the field of IT-technologies, Main Directorate for Drug Control of the Ministry of Interior of the Russian Federation
Katharine A. WAGNER; Trial Attorney, Narcotic and Dangerous Drug Section, Criminal Division, U.S. Department of Justice
Jagjit PAVADIA, President International Narcotics Control Board
Leif VILLADSEN, Senior Programme Management Officer, UNICRI
Dawn WILKES, Postal Security Programme Manager, Universal Postal Union
Philipp AMANN, Head of Unit, European Cyber Crime Centre, EUROPOL
Teodora GROSHKOVA, Principal Scientific Analyst, Markets, Crime and Supply Reduction Sector, European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
Abel BASUTU, Senior Drug Control Programme Officer, African Union Commission
Kawal Deep KOUR, Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs [video]
Additional Member State expert:
Miguel Angel Palma Vargas, Commander of the Peruvian Antinarcotics Police
Stefanie Schmatz, Associate Expert, Laboratory and Scientific Section, and Live Brenna, Associate Expert, Cybercrime and Anti-Money Laundering Section, UNODC
Dr. Martin Horton-Eddison, International Drug Policy Consortium [video]
Dr Uche Igwe, International Drug Policy Consortium
Martin Diaz, Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs [statement in English and Spanish]
Dr. Tomori Mareglen, Vienna NGO Committee on Drug