H.E. Philbert Johnson, Chair of the 67th Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
Ms. Ghada Waly, Executive Director of United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (delivered by the Director of the Division for Treaty Affairs, Mr. John Brandolino)
H.E. Rob Rae, President of ECOSOC
Dr. Tedros Adhanom GHEBREYSUS, Director of the World Health Organization
Prof. Jallal Toufiq, President of the International Narcotics Control Board
Ms. Chloe Carpentier, UNODC Research and Knowledge Production Section
USA: Mr. Barry Fullerton, Counsellor for UN Affairs
· Algeria: Mr. Mohyiddine Benadouda, Head of the First Operational Research and Investigation Brigade of the Central Service of the Fight Against Illicit Drug Trafficking, Directorate General of the National Police
· Thailand: Mr. Apikit Ch.Rojprasert, Deputy Secretary-General, Narcotics Control Board
Mexico: Ms. Nadia Robles Soto, Director of Coordination of National Programs of the National Commission on Mental Health and Addictions
INTERPOL: Mr. David Caunter, Assistant Director, Organized and Emerging Crime Directorate, Criminal Networks, INTERPOL
SINCB: Mr. Matthew Nice, Programme Management Officer, GRIDS Programme
NGO: Ms. Lucia Bird Ruiz Benitez de Lugo, Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, Switzerland
Government experts:
Statement by the European Union
Statement by the Islamic Republic of Iran
Statement by Venezuela
Statement by Australia
Statement by Brazil
Statement by Canada
Statement by Russia
Statement by Peru
Statement by Thailand
Statement by Colombia
Statement by France
Statement by Japan
Statement by the United Kingdom
Statement by Lithuania
Statement by Morocco
Statement by Belgium
Statement by South Africa
Mr. Martin Raithelhuber, UNODC LSS
Ms. Giovanna Campello, UNODC PTRS
Ms. Souraya Frem, on behalf of the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs
Dr. Sa’adatu Adamu, on behalf of the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs (video message)
Ms. Asma Fakhri, UNODC Drugs, Laboratory and Scientific Services Branch
China: Ms. Wu Tingfang, Director, Precursor and NPS Control Division, Office of National Narcotics Control Commission
Canada: Ms. Yemi Agboola, Director of the Office of Drug Research and Surveillance, Health Canada
Algeria: Mr. Ahmed Belkacem, Magistrate, Ministry of Justice
Brazil: Mr. Jaime C. M. Oliveira, health lawyer, consultant for the National Secretariat on Drug Policy and Assets Management, and for the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation
WHO: Ms. Dilkushi Poovendran, Technical Officer, Division of Access to Medicines and Health Products
NGO: Mr. Humberto Rotondo, Youth RISE
Government experts:
Statement by the European Union
Statement by Venezuela
Statement by the Islamic Republic of Iran
Statement by Australia
Statement by Thailand
Statement by the United Kingdom
Statement by South Africa
Statement by Peru
Additional experts:
Mr. Matthew Nice, Programme Management Officer, INCB Secretariat, GRIDS Programme
Mr. Luis Ignacio Garcia Sigman, UNODC ROCOL
Ms. Giovanna Campello, UNODC PTRS
Ms. Souraya Frem, on behalf of the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs
Dr. Sa’adatu Adamu, on behalf of the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs (video message)
Ms. Chloe Carpentier, UNODC Research and Knowledge Production Section
Germany: Ms. Sarah David, German International Cooperation Association
USA: Mr. Barry Fullerton, Counsellor for UN Affairs
Ghana: Mr. Kenneth Adu-Amanfoh, Director General Narcotics Control Commission
Thailand: Mr. Pongsak Angkasith, Professor Emeritus and Executive Board Member at the Royal Project Foundation
Bolivia: Ms. Adriana Foronda, Second Secretary of the Embassy, Permanent Mission of Bolivia to the UN in Vienna
UNDP: Mr. Boyan Konstantinov, Policy Specialist, HIV & Health group
NGO: Ms.Sara Evli Özhan, Turkish Green Crescent Society
United Kingdom
Government experts:
Statement by the European Union
Statement by Peru
Statement by Colombia
Statement by the Islamic Republic of Iran
Statement by the Netherlands
Statement by Indonesia
Statement by Japan
Statement by Canada
Statement by Republic of Korea
Statement by Australia
Statement by Venezuela
Statement by China
Statement by Afghanistan
Statement by Morocco
Mr. Joao Rodrigues, UNODC LSS
Mr. Pedro Arenas, on behalf of the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs
Mr. Ricardo Soberon Garrido, on behalf of the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs
Mr. Michael Osman, UNODC Border Management Branch
Mexico: Frigate Captain Mr. Ali Barcelata Luna, Intelligence Section, Secretariat of the Navy of Mexico
Singapore: Ms. Caroline Lim, Senior Assistant Commissioner and Director, Rehabilitation and Reintegration Division, Singapore Prison Services
Netherlands: Ms. L.B. (Leonie) Okhuijsen, Public Prosecutor
Ghana: Mr. Joel Sekoh Abbeo, Head, Precursor Monitoring Department, Narcotics Control Commission
INCB: Mr. Rajesh Srivastava, Drug Control and Crime Prevention Officer
NGO: Ms.Dayana Vincent, Fourth Wave Foundation, India
Government experts:
Statement by France
Statement by Canada
Statement by Colombia
Statement by Brazil
Statement by Thailand
Statement by the United Kingdom
Statement by Australia
Statement by Japan
Statement by Peru
Statement by the United States of America
Statement by the Islamic Republic of Iran
Statement by the European Union
Statement by South Africa
Statement by Ecuador
Statement by China
Statement by Lithuania
Ms. Luisa Fernandez, UNODC LSS
Mr. Luis Ignacio Garcia Sigman, UNODC ROCOL
Ms. Jia Vern Tham, on behalf of the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs
Mr. Eric Siervo, CADCA (video message)
Ms. Jo Dedeyne-Amann, SGB UNODC
Mr. Justice Tettey, DLSSB UNODC
Colombia: Mr. Andrés López Velasco, independent international consultant on drug policies
Indonesia: Mr. Agus Irianto, Police Inspector General, Deputy for Legal Affairs and Cooperation, National Narcotics Board
USA: Ms. Virginia Patton Prugh, Attorney Adviser, U.S. Department of State and Adjunct Professor of Law at Georgetown University
WHO: Mr. Deus Mubangizi, Director, Department of Health Product Policy and Standards
INCB: Ms. Barbara Remberg, Senior Drug Control and Crime Prevention Officer
NGO: Mr. Martin Jelsma, Transnational Institute, Netherlands
Government experts:
Statement by Islamic Republic of Iran
Statement by Thailand
Statement by the United Kingdom
Statement by Japan
Statement by the European Union
Statement by Czechia, Australia
Statement by Singapore
Statement by Canada
Statement by Colombia
Statement by the Dominican Republic
Statement by Brazil
Statement by France
Ms. Yen Ling Wong, UNODC LSS
Mr. Luis Ignacio Garcia Sigman, UNODC ROCOL
Mr. Mousa Daoud, The Jordan Anti-Drugs Society
Mr. George Ochieng Odalo, Slum Child Foundation
Challenges to the identification of new illicit drugs: Discussion on strategies and approaches by laboratories to enhance the capacity of forensic personnel and harnessing technology to improve identification methods
Introductory statement by Singapore
Statement by China
Statement by Thailand
Statement by Switzerland
Statement by Egypt
Statement by Colombia
Harm reduction measures
Introductory statement by the European Union
Statement by the United States of America (on behalf of 35 countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Uruguay)
Statement by the Netherlands
Statement by Italy
Statement by China
Statement by Australia
Statement by Norway
Statement by Ghana
Statement by Venezuela
Statement by the Russian Federation
Statement by Singapore
Statement by Greece
Statement by Colombia
Statement by Mexico
Statement by Ukraine
Drug Policy: social determinants, disproportionate impacts, and barriers to service access
Introductory statement by Australia
Statement by Thailand
Statement by the Unites States of America
Statement by Colombia
Current status of the critical review of Coca Leaf, as per the procedures of WHO
Introductory statement by Bolivia
Statement by Mexico
Statement by Peru
Statement by Colombia
The relevance of scientific evidence in the work of UN bodies and agencies in the implementation of the Global Drug Policy
Introductory statement by Colombia
Statement by the United States of America
Challenges to the integrity of the international drug control system
Introductory statement by the Russian Federation
Statement by Venezuela
Statement by the United States of America
Statement by Türkiye
Statement by the Islamic Republic of Iran
Statement by China
Statement by Belarus
Statement by Algeria
Statement by Cuba
Statement by Pakistan
Statement by Singapore
Luis Ignacio Garcia Sigman, UNODC ROCOL
Ms. Ann Fordham, International Drug Policy Consortium
Ms. Katherine Pettus, International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care
Statement by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Statement by the European Law Students' Association