Please find general information on the Modalities of the participation of multi-stakeholders in the Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes in Annex II to document A/AC.291/6. It may also be relevant to consult the roadmap and mode of work for the Ad Hoc Committee, in Annex II to document A/AC.291/7.
Interested global and regional intergovernmental organizations, including United Nations bodies, specialized agencies and funds, as well as functional commissions of the Economic and Social Council (as per paragraph 7 of General Assembly resolution 75/282 and non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (as per paragraph 8 of General Assembly resolution 75/282) that expressed an interest in participating in the sessions of the Ad Hoc Committee received an invitation to the second session.
If your organization (as per paragraphs 7 or 8 of General Assembly resolution 75/282) has not yet expressed an interest and wishes to participate in the second and subsequent sessions of the Ad Hoc Committee you are kindly requested to contact the secretariat at
Other interested relevant non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, academic institutions and private sector organizations (as per paragraph 9 of General Assembly resolution 75/282), which were approved by the Ad Hoc Committee, have also been invited to participate in the second session. The call for interest for these organizations has closed.
The in-person meeting will be held in the Plenary Hall, on the first floor of the M-Building at the Vienna International Centre (VIC).
Conference Room M3 will be made available as an overflow room for viewing the session.
In accordance with the ongoing COVID-19 mitigation measures currently applying at the VIC maximum seating capacity in the conference rooms must not be exceeded.
All other speakers will be connected remotely through Interprefy with remote simultaneous interpretation.
Technical instructions:
Please use the following format for your name:
The session will be webcast to the general public in the six official languages of the United Nations on the webpage of the event. Participants who are not speakers can follow the webcast.
Registration for the meeting will be done through the self-registration platform Indico. The event link has been shared with the invitation.
The registration process is open from Friday, 22 April until Friday, 27 May 2022 6 p.m., New York time.
Organizations are kindly requested to issue an official letter, with own letterhead and signed by the Head of the organization, containing details of the participants that shall attend the meeting (name, title, function, workplace, individual email address and participation modality), and to share it with the designated participants, as each participant will need to attach the letter issued by the Organization to be able to complete the registration on Indico.
Participants are kindly asked to register through their personalized Indico account. A video tutorial on how to create an account and sign up for an event can be found here. Frequently asked questions on Indico can be found here.
Any questions can be directed to the secretariat of the Ad Hoc Committee at