30 November 2017 - UNODC CRIMJUST shares follow-up actions taken by a participating country, Argentina.
Regarding the recent pilot "Regional Training to Strengthen the Technical Knowledge related to Coca Cultivation, Cocaine Production and Laboratory Criminal Techniques" held Colombia in November 2017 and the Exchange Visit to Mexico during August 2017, CRIMJUST received information about follow-up actions taken by Argentina, a participating country. More precisely, Luis Ignacio Garcia Sigman, Advisor to Martín Verrier, Deputy Secretary for the Fight against Drug Trafficking at the Ministry of Security, took initiative and shared the knowledge and experiences acquired during CRIMJUST activities. The learnings were presented at the "Advanced Course Classes to Combat Drug Trafficking", which have benefited over 2,000 law enforcement agents, judicial actors, and governmental officers working drug trafficking and organized crime cases in Argentina.
According to Mr. Garcia, the training in Mexico especially deepened his knowledge about crypto markets, gave him the opportunity to establish networks with experts on the topic and directed him towards valuable reading material. This outcome will be reflected in one of the first articles on cybercrime in Argentina, titled "Drug Trafficking in the Darkweb: The Crypto Markets", which will be published in the Latin American magazine "Urvio".
Moreover, Mr. Garcia underlined that his participation in the workshops has given him the possibility to establish networks, which he is using for countering transnational organized crime on a regional and interregional level along the cocaine route.
Given his overall experiences during the CRIMJUST activities, Mr. Garcia underlined the high value of the topics learned, which had both operational and strategic utility relevant for his professional activities and empowered him to promote local initiatives in Argentina. As a result, the purpose of CRIMJUST to foster capacity building is been multiplied and disseminated
Under the framework of the CRIMJUST project funded by European Union Cocaine Route Programme, UNODC and its partners (INTERPOL and TI) aim to assist Member States to enhance their capacity and integrity of criminal justice institutions to detect, investigate, prosecute and adjudicate illicit cocaine trafficking cases, and to foster cooperation at the interregional level for effective action to tackle drug trafficking and related organized crime.
For more information:
- European Union "Cocaine Route Programme"
- UNDOC CRIMJUST LE TrainNet - Law Enforcement Training Network
- UNODC CRIMJUST Training for Institutional Reinforcement against Cocaine Production