31 October 2017 - As of october 2017, CRIMJUST has held 44 capacity-building activities, which started over a year ago, in August 2016
Increased cooperation between UNODC global and regional programmes have ensured a holistic delivery of capacity building activities aiming at broadening of horizons and expertise of beneficiaries.
The CRIMJUST partner institutions, Interpol and Transparency International, have played a key role for the successful implementation of the activities, particularly on international operations, such as Operation Lionfish III 2017.
CRIMJUST activities are jointly organized and coordinated among UNODC Headquarters in Vienna and UNODC Field Offices in Central America and the Caribbean (ROPAN), Colombia (COCOL), and West and Central Africa (ROSEN).
In order to foster and synergize the efforts by the EU Cocaine Route Project, CRIMJUST has also collaborated with AIRCOP and SEACOP to reinforce capacities in seaports and airports while supporting greater international cooperation and information exchange
In addition, using the in-house expertise CRIMJUST delivers joint training activities with WACAP, Cybercrime, and the Nigerian Drugs Project, among others.
Collaborating with Networks, such as the Iberoamerican Network of anti-drug prosecutors (RFAI - AIAMP), and ECOWAS have repeatedly been proven to be beneficial for the CRIMJUST partner countries.
Acknowledging global partnerships are key to addressing the shared challenges posed by transnational organized crime. CRIMJUST partnership with projects and institutions represents a key strategic framework under which UNODC provides joint efforts in strengthening capacity building and accountability to mitigate the risk of cocaine trafficking and related organized crime. CRIMJUST is committed to contribute to a comprehensive and dynamic response to address organized crime and assist member states in achieving the Global Goals of the 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development, principally in regard to global partnership, good governance, and rule of law (Goal 16 and 17).
Under the framework of the CRIMJUST project, UNODC and its partners (INTERPOL and TI) aim to assist Member States to enhance their capacity and integrity of criminal justice institutions to detect, investigate, prosecute and adjudicate illicit cocaine trafficking cases, and to foster cooperation at the interregional level for effective action to tackle drug trafficking and related organized crime.
For more information:
- European Union "Cocaine Route Programme"
- Iberoamerican Network of anti-drug prosecutors (RFAI - AIAMP)