15 March 2017 - The Drug Research Section & CRIMJUST expressed the fundamental need of an evidence based approach to disrupt illicit cocaine trafficking during a side event : ''Shared responsibility in addressing the cocaine threat along the cocaine supply chain" at the UNODC Headquarters in Vienna
With the aim to provide a comprehensive approach to the global cocaine market, a proposal for a new Global Research Programme on Cocaine was outlined. In a world increasingly globalized, the principles of shared burden and shared responsibility highlighted in key policy documents are becoming every time more of a lived reality for all countries along the supply chain of cocaine, and even beyond with the emergence of new routes and new markets. Current trends in cocaine markets suggest the need for developing a comprehensive approach that is truly global and encompasses all facets of the cocaine threat with a view to understand the complexities and interplays of the new challenges faced by the Member States and support the elaboration of counter-narcotic policies and strategies that yield good results. The objective is to produce the information and knowledge needed for evidence-based policy making, while strengthening national capacities and also supporting counter-narcotic activities by the production of operational knowledge for programmatic purposes.
By enhancing counter-narcotic strategies such evidence based approach profits to CRIMJUST as it supports tailoring its programme activites. Scientific knowledge is the conerstone threshold to a holistic and integrated approach in tackling organised crime.
The '' Shared responsibility in addressing the cocaine threat along the cocaine supply chain'' brought together 45 participants showing an interest for such matters.
Mr. Jean-Luc Lemahieu, Director of the Division of Policy Analysis, opened the discussion by welcoming joint efforts to bridge theory and practice. Experts from Nigeria, Mr. Kabir Sani Tsakuwa from the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency of Nigeria and from the United-States, Mr. Antonio Guzman from the Drug Enforcement Agency, USA, were invited to share their valuable insights regarding cocaine threats. On the UNODC side Ms. Chloé Carpentier, Chief of the Drug Research Section and Mr. Marco Teixeira, CRIMJUST Coordinator, took the opportunity to share the crucial inter-connections between their programmes and expressed the need for continued joint efforts and shared responsibility in addressing the cocaine threat along the supply chain.
The UNODC evidence based approach will keep helping shape recommendations and advise policy makers as well as contributing to an effective implementation of programme such as CRIMJUST. Synergies between programmes are essential to tackle drug trafficking from an integrated and global perspective.
Under the framework of the CRIMJUST project funded by E U Cocaine Route Programme, UNODC and its partners (INTERPOL and TI) aim to assist Member States to enhance their capacity and integrity of criminal justice institutions to detect, investigate, prosecute and adjudicate illicit cocaine trafficking cases, and to foster cooperation at the interregional level for effective action to tackle drug trafficking and related organized crime.
For more information:
- European Union "Cocaine Route Programme"