31 October 2018 - UNODC, in the framework of CRIMJUST and the Project "Response to Drugs and Related Organized Crime in Nigeria", reinforced drug detection and forensic analysis capacities in Nigeria by providing three "Raman Handheld Drug Identification Devices" to the National Drug Law-Enforcement Agency in Lagos, Nigeria. The handheld Raman spectrometers will significantly impact the ability to conduct field-based analysis of suspicious substances, facilitating a rapid identification of samples including drugs and drug precursors.
Moreover, a specialized drug-identification training using the handheld electronic field testing devices was delivered to law enforcement and customs officers, as well as experts representing national forensic laboratories. The training enhanced the participants' capacity to effectively identify and detect illicit drugs and substances.
This workshop was the second training delivered in Nigeria, designed to strengthen technological capabilities on drug identification in West Africa. As the region is becoming a transit hub for drug trafficking groups, improving regional drug detection methodologies is key to address the challenges posed by transnational drug trafficking and organized crime.
Under the framework of the CRIMJUST project, UNODC and its partners (INTERPOL and TI) aim to assist Member States to enhance their capacity and integrity of criminal justice institutions to detect, investigate, prosecute and adjudicate illicit cocaine trafficking cases, and to foster cooperation at the interregional level for effective action to tackle drug trafficking and related organized crime.
For more information:
- European Union "Cocaine Route Programme"