UNODCs Terrorism Prevention Branch (UNODC/TPB) delivered a mock criminal investigation and trial exercise covering the procedural stages of criminal law, i.e. investigation, prosecution and adjudication of terrorism related cases in Dhaka on 13-15 March 2018. The event was conducted as part of the project on Supporting Rule of Law-based Criminal Justice Responses in Bangladesh against Terrorism and related Crimes and Strengthening its Capacity to Prevent and Counter Violent Extremism through Effective Criminal Justice Responses, funded by the Government of Japan.
The event gathered national crime investigators, prosecutors and judges, who participated in scenario-based exercises with the aim to develop individual and collective skills as well as to strengthen collaboration in the prosecution of such cases. Furthermore, through the scenarios, overall capacity to apply internationally recognized approaches and practices in a real-life professional setting was enhanced. Special attention was devoted to different practical challenges posed by such complex offences.
During the theoretical sessions, national and international experts explored the applicable international legal framework, the process of harmonization with national legislation, as well as challenges concerning digital information and evidence gathered on the Internet and digital forensics, amongst others. During the practical segments, two real-life case scenarios prepared by UNODC/TPB were analyzed and assessed. An initial plenary discussion of the cases was followed by breakout sessions in which participants prepared their oral presentations for the mock trial. Each group presented their arguments and had the opportunity to discuss the main challenges and good practices for the investigation, prosecution and adjudication of terrorism cases.