“We say it is corruption only when it is not benefiting us,” said one young person from Nairobi, Kenya.
“When it is benefitting us, we stay silent.”
Her words lay bare an uncomfortable truth for many: the willingness to overlook corruption when it serves our own interests.
By tolerating even small acts of dishonesty, we unknowingly allow injustice to take root, harming everyone, but especially those in vulnerable situations.
Recognizing the urgent need to equip young persons with the tools to dismantle corruption systems before they take root, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) – through its Global Resource for Anti-Corruption Education and Youth Empowerment (GRACE Initiative) - and SOS Children’s Villages launched a pilot project offering vulnerable youth in Kenya a series of interactive workshops focused on ethics, integrity and anti-corruption.
Through this pilot project, tailored to different age groups, over 120 children and young people between the ages of 7 and 23 participated in forum theatre, explored how corruption takes shape and learned how to identify its impact on individuals and communities. These children and young people either live in SOS Children’s Villages, where children who cannot live with their families of origin grow up in a loving home, or take part in SOS’s family support programmes. This project ensures that they are empowered with a strong ethical foundation for the future.
But does informal educational actually have a role to play in stopping corruption?
For Diana Etsabo, Head of Fund Development and Communication, SOS Children’s Villages Kenya, the answer is an unequivocal ‘yes’.
“With Kenya’s young population carrying enormous potential, we recognize that corruption can undermine their aspirations and restrict opportunities,” she says.
“Our anti-corruption messages to youth should be coupled with education to fuel and guide their dreams of starting businesses and succeeding—while playing by the rules and being rewarded for it.”
Education lies at the heart of fostering the values of ethics and integrity. By introducing children and young people to these values early on, we build a strong foundation that helps them detect and resist corruption’s many forms. But fostering integrity isn’t just about knowing right from wrong; it’s about having the courage to act on that knowledge.
Early engagement with ethics, integrity and anti-corruption principles resonates even more when it takes place in an informal setting. While formal schooling offers structured syllabi, informal education promotes a flexible and interactive approach that helps children and youth apply moral principles to their everyday realities.
One core element of this is forum theatre, a drama-based approach that encourages participants to embody scenarios to reveal – and then discuss – underlying issues. The children who took part in the pilot activity were divided into groups and asked to use their bodies to create still images that represent corruption and non-corruption scenarios. This technique allows children and young people to visually express complex situations that might be difficult to articulate verbally, fostering a deeper understanding and encouraging exploration and discussion of underlying themes in a safe and accessible way.
“We cannot end corruption with just words. We need to aim for behavioural change,” said one of the participants.
Moments like this highlight why informal education matters so much. In an environment free from formal grades, participants can openly discuss, debate and shape their own sense of integrity without fear of judgment, something that can be more difficult in traditional formal education settings.
“Corruption starts at our homes,” echoed another child, reminding the group that even routine shortcuts can gradually erode the mutual trust upon which communities rely.
These reflections carry an added weight precisely because they came from young people who have faced significant personal challenges, underscoring how vital it is for them – and for all of us – to confront corruption at its roots.
A sense of hope and responsibility also took root when children planted “trees of hope”. By planting new saplings, the children and youth symbolized their commitment to building a future free from dishonest actions. They then engaged in a problem tree mapping exercise to explore how corruption manifests itself in daily life, identifying both its immediate and long-term consequences.
As saplings mature into trees, the ethical decisions they make today will evolve into lasting commitments as they navigate their futures.
As the project looks ahead, UNODC and SOS Children’s Villages plan to train facilitators to deliver the same methodology in more locations around the world, potentially reaching thousands of children and youth.
After the forum theatre, confidence that this generation can confront corruption in their lives was running high. As one participant declared: “We are the change - change begins with us.”