1 (One) in every 3 (three) victims of human trafficking is a child. In sub-Saharan Africa, children represent more than 60% of detected victims of trafficking, according to the UNODC Global Report on Trafficking in Persons (GLOTIP). The most widespread form of trafficking among children in sub-Saharan Africa is forced labor (forced begging, working in gold mining sites, domestic work and forced marriage, etc.).
Therefore, the theme chosen for the World Day against Trafficking in Persons of 2024 refers to “leave no child behind in the fight against human trafficking”.
This day, July 30, which takes place in the frame of the “Blue Heart” campaign, is an opportunity to take stock of the situation of trafficking in persons in West Africa. It will also be an opportunity to launch the national action plan to combat human trafficking and to make a call to action.
The Ministry of Justice of Senegal through the National Committee to Combat Trafficking in Persons (CNLTP), in partnership with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Regional Office for West and Central Africa (UNODC ROSEN), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, West Africa Regional Office (OHCHR WARO), the United Nations Information Center (UNIC), and the Center on Human Trafficking Research & Outreach (CenHTRO) at the University of Georgia, organize the celebration of the World Day against Trafficking in Persons on Tuesday July 30.
UNODC implements various actions with its partners. In Senegal, for example, in the Kédougou region, UNODC, CNLTP and CenHTRO, with the NGOs FTS and La Lumière, have carried out actions aimed at reducing trafficking in persons, particularly in artisanal gold mining sites. In terms of prosecution, more than 15 people suspected of trafficking in persons have been convicted, more than 474 criminal justice and community actors have been trained. In terms of protection and prevention, more than 217 victims (including more than 27 minors) were removed from human trafficking situations and received care. More than 143 assisted voluntary returns have been carried out in countries of origin (including more than 23 minors).
Photo: Noelia Rodriguez/ UNODC
The identification and protection of children victims of trafficking remains difficult due to the low number of reports, lack of awareness and insufficient resources allocated to services supporting victims. Traffickers often use coercion, fraud, and threats to maintain control over their victims, making it difficult for authorities to intervene. One can add to this the fact that in sub-Saharan Africa and elsewhere, human trafficking often takes place within family or close circles.
This year we call on everyone to act to end human trafficking, especially trafficking of children. If you witness trafficking, speak up and act : “ Leave no child behind in the fight against human trafficking “
A digital awareness campaign has been launched on our social media and can be followed on Instagram, Facebook, X and Youtube.
Events will take place in other countries of West and Central Africa:
Côte d’Ivoire:
Awareness-raising activities, such as film screenings, conference-debates and training on the subject of human trafficking will take place over the course of a week, mainly in the town of Dimbokro. They will also take place in eleven Communes (Abengourou, Aboisso, Bondoukou, Bouaké, Korhogo, Daloa, Gagnoa, Soubré, San-Pedro, Man and Ferkessédougou).
The activities to be carried out during the week are as follows:
- Launch of the JMLTP in the Prefecture of Dimbokro
During the launch, the authorities and people of the town of Dimbokro will attend a conference on the subject of human trafficking. Discussions will focus on the risks associated with human trafficking, the legal and institutional provisions for combating human trafficking and the opportunities offered to young people by the Ivorian government. During the conference, testimonies will show the extent of this scourge and the consequences for the population, especially for young people.
- Blue Heart Campaign’ awareness-raising caravan on human trafficking
With a view to raising awareness and mobilising the people of Dimbokro to get involved in the fight against human trafficking, a podium van will criss-cross the town's neighbourhoods. This will also be an opportunity to mobilise the population to take part in the official ceremony of the World Day Against Human Trafficking. The ‘Blue Heart 2024 Campaign’ caravan will cover the city from 23 to 29 July 2024.
The Gambia:
In partnership with the government, UNODC, OHCHR, IOM, UNV and UNICEF together with their institutional and private sector partners will commemorate this day through a series of activities that include the visualization of a documentary centered around the theme "leaving no child behind in the fight against human trafficking." This film will be featured at the official commemoration and also be shown at community outreach and engagement events.
UNICEF will be organizing a series of activities with children and adolescent to address TIP against children. A key event will be a panel discussion engaging gender champions within the police force to explore the intersection of TIP and gender, emphasizing the unique vulnerabilities faced by children. The OHCHR PAPEV Project in collaboration with other UN Agencies will be organizing a training for the National Assembly Select Committees on Human Rights, Gender, Children and Social Welfare and Health from the 28th- 31st July. The UNODC/OHCHR PROMIS project, as part of the implementation of the access to justice grant, will be supporting NHRC to organize a ToT for the law enforcement officers on the right to access to justice for migrants in the Gambia. UNV will be organizing a Peer-to-Peer dialogue which will bring together at least 50 youths and adolescents to discuss on a specific theme which will highlight mitigation mechanisms for young people to engage stakeholders on. Finally, IOM within the framework of the project ‘Addressing the drivers and causes of vulnerability in migration among border communities along the Trans-Gambia transport corridor’, funded by the Migration- Multi Partner Trust Fund, will partner with UNICEF to organize joint activities aiming to contribute towards improved knowledge, awareness and capacity of law enforcement authorities, civil society actors and vulnerable communities to combat Trafficking in Persons through victim centered approaches.
The State Task Force on Human Trafficking is premised on the need to enhance State and non- State multi-sectoral response towards combating Human Trafficking in Nigeria, broadly aimed at enhancing comprehensive prevention and coordinated legal and other service for trafficked victims through capacity building, technical assistance and institutional development directed to NAPTIP and other partners.
The initiative of the State Task Force started between 2007 to 2015 when NAPTIP embarked on a series of advocacy within the country to strengthen commitment towards combatting human trafficking. The National Economic Council at one of its meetings in 2013, made a statement of commitment and urged State governments to support NAPTIP in stemming the menace of human trafficking.
This year, to commemorate the World Day Against Human Trafficking with the theme: Leave no child behind, sensibilization activities such as NAPTIP Novelty Female Football Match or Walk with Match Pass; cultural meetings and the Annual Meeting of the Joint Technical Working Group of Nigeria/Gambia will be taking place.
As every year, in order to inform the public and raise awareness of the phenomenon of human trafficking, the Comité National de Coordination de la lutte contre la Traite des Personnes et Pratiques Assimilées (CNCLTPPA), in partnership with UNODC will celebrate the World Day against Trafficking in Persons on July 30. It will be an opportunity for the Ministry of Justice, the CNCLTPPA, the UNODC and other stakeholders to take stock of past, current and future actions to combat human trafficking at local, national, sub-regional and international levels.
The National Authority for Fighting against Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants together with the UNODC is organizing a ceremony in Nouakchott with four main aims:
- to raise awareness of the situation of victims of human trafficking and to promote and protect their rights
- To launch a nationwide awareness-raising caravan on human trafficking
- To help survivors of human trafficking make a fresh start
- Put an end to human trafficking, particularly of children, and eradicate all forms of exploitation of women and girls.
Human trafficking is everywhere, even if we don't want to see it. Each of us has a role to play to end human trafficking.
Minielle Baro (CINU) baro@un.org +221773339404
Aïssata Ba (ONUDC) aissata.ba@un.org +221775978567
Noelia Rodriguez (ONUDC) noelia.rodriguez@un.org +221777624240