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Eleventh United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

(Bangkok, Thailand, 18-25 April 2005)


Synergies and Responses: Strategic Alliances in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice


At a high-level segment held during the Congress, Member States adopted the Bangkok Declaration on Synergies and Responses: Strategic Alliances in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, which was endorsed by the General Assembly in its resolution 60/177

Bangkok Declaration as adopted by the Crime Congress

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The Eleventh Congress was convened at a momentous period in the history of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice programme. The international community had witnessed the entry into force of major international instruments, namely, the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and two of its additional protocols (the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children and the Protocol against Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air supplementing the Convention). In the months following the Eleventh Congress, also the third supplementary Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Their Parts and Components and Ammunition and the United Nations Convention against Corruption received the required number of ratifications and entered into force.

Four regional preparatory meetings were held (in Latin America and the Caribbean, West Asia, Asia and the Pacific and Africa), providing a platform from which to discuss the issues raised at the Twelfth Congress from a regional perspective.



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