1. Prevalence of drug use

1.1. Tables

1.1.1. Annual prevalence of drug use by regions and globally by drug types

1.1.2. Prevalence of drug use in the general population

1.1.3. Prevalence of drug use in the youth population

1.1.4. Prevalence of NPS among general and youth population

1.2. Maps

1.2.1. Amphetamines

1.2.2. Cannabis

1.2.3. Cocaine

1.2.4. Ecstasy

1.2.5. Opioids

2. Maps on trends in drug use (expert perception)

2.1.1. Amphetamines

2.1.2. Cannabis

2.1.3. Cocaine

2.1.4. Ecstasy

2.1.5. Opioids

3. Maps on ranking of drugs in order of prevalence (expert perception)

3.1. ATS

3.2. Cannabis

3.3. Cocaine

3.4. Opioids

4. Drug related morbidity

4.1. Tables

4.1.1. Estimates of people who inject drugs, living with HIV, HCV and HBV

4.2. Maps

4.2.1. Prevalence of people who inject drugs

4.2.2. Prevalence of HIV among people who inject drugs

5. Drug related mortality (table)

6. Treatment demand (table)

7. Drug use and morbidity in prisons

7.1. Prevalence of drug use in prison

7.2. HIV and Hepatitis among people held in prisons

8. Illicit drug cultivation and production

8.1. Coca cultivation, production and eradication

8.2. Opium cultivation, production and eradication

8.3. Cannabis cultivation, production and eradication

9. Seizures of illicit drugs

9.1. Tables

9.1.1. Table on seizures pdf

9.1.2. Table on seizures, excel

9.2. Maps

9.2.1. Seizures of ATS

9.2.2. Seizures of Cannabis resin

9.2.3. Seizures of Cannabis herb

9.2.4. Seizures of Cocaine

9.2.5. Seizures of Ecstasy

9.2.6. Seizures of Heroin and Morphine

9.2.7. Seizures of Opiates in Asia

9.2.8. Opiates trafficking flows

9.2.9. Cocaine trafficking flows

9.2.10.Methamphetamine trafficking flows

9.3. Seizures of illicit drugs by region and high ranking countries 2013

9.3.1. ATS

9.3.2. Cannabis resin

9.3.3. Cannabis herb

9.3.4. Cocaine

9.3.5. Ecstasy

9.3.6. Opiates

10. Prices of illicit drugs

10.1. ATS

10.2. Cannabis

10.3. Cocaine

10.4. Cocaine and heroin in West and Central Europe

10.5. Opioids

11. Illicit manufacturing of drugs

11.1. Clandestine laboratories detected and dismantled

12. Drug related crimes

13. Responses to Annual Reports Questionnaire

13.1 Demand

13.2 Supply

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