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Twelfth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

(Salvador, Brazil, 12-19 April 2010)


"Comprehensive strategies for global challenges: crime prevention and criminal justice systems and their development in a changing world"


At a high-level segment held during the Congress, Member States adopted the Salvador Declaration on Comprehensive Strategies for Global Challenges: Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Systems and Their Development in a Changing World, which was endorsed by the General Assembly in its resolution 65/230

Salvador Declaration as adopted by the Crime Congress

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The Twelfth Crime Congress marked the fifty-fifth anniversary of United Nations congresses on crime prevention and criminal justice. The agenda of the Twelfth Congress focused on: children, youth and crime; smuggling of migrants; trafficking in persons; money-laundering; and cybercrime. It offered a unique opportunity to stimulate in-depth discussion and proposals for action along three principal avenues by:

  • Establishing firmly the criminal justice system as a central pillar in the rule-of-law architecture;
  • Highlighting the pivotal role of the criminal justice system in development;
  • Emphasizing the need for a holistic approach to criminal justice system reform to strengthen the capacity of criminal justice systems in dealing with crime

Four regional preparatory meetings were held (in Latin America and the Caribbean, West Asia, Asia and the Pacific and Africa), providing a platform from which to discuss the issues raised at the Twelfth Congress from a regional perspective. At the regional preparatory meetings, participants highlighted special problems and concerns, as well as successful experiences and promising approaches to addressing them.



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