UNODC's 'The Zorbs' tells the story of an imaginary planet and its inhabitants who overcome a range of challenges thanks to various core values and skills as promoted under the Education for Justice (E4J) initiative.
Justice Judith Jones of the Supreme Court in Trinidad and Tobago talks about ways to improve public confidence in the judiciary for domestic violence survivors.
Justice Maria Thereza Moura, Justice Kashim Zannah, Doctor Nihal Jayawickrama, and Justice Lynne Leitch of the Global Judicial Integrity Network Advisory Board discuss how to maintain personal and institutional judicial independence.
#ChooseSport movement advocates for the power of sport to uplift lives and communities, and to build a more peaceful world.
#ChooseSport movement advocates for the power of sport to uplift lives and communities, and to build a more peaceful world.
#ChooseSport movement advocates for the power of sport to uplift lives and communities, and to build a more peaceful world.
#ChooseSport movement advocates for the power of sport to uplift lives and communities, and to build a more peaceful world.
#ChooseSport movement advocates for the power of sport to uplift lives and communities, and to build a more peaceful world.