As part of the 10th session of the COP to the UNTOC, a panel was organized with the UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, Diego Garcia-Sayan, on the effects of organized crime on judicial integrity.
The Global Judicial Integrity Network hosted a panel discussion with William Brunson of the National Judicial College of the U.S., Judge Vinette Beverlin Graham Allen and Judge Marva McDonald Bishop of the Judiciary of Jamaica
The Global Judicial Integrity Network hosted a discussion on open justice at the 2020 International Anti-Corruption Conference.
This video shows the role of sport in the life of Shakhnoza Mirzaeva, Uzbek world para-canoe champion and holder of a license for the Paralympic Games.
This video explores a choice that a young man makes in his life and, thanks to the examples set by national sports Champions, who show the positive role sport played in their lives, this sound choice changes his destiny for the better.
This video shows the role of sport in building resilience to crime and in strengthening self-awareness and the ability to resist negative peer pressure.
This video shows two young people running in different contexts, and how sport helps one of them overcome obstacles in life.
This virtual high-level side event held during COP10 underlined the importance of prevention programmes for vulnerable youth as part of comprehensive strategies to counter gang violence and organized crime. Panelists shared experiences from Latin America on the use of innovative approaches, such as through sport, to reach young people at risk of victimization and involvement in crime. Specifically, and building on the work of UNODC, the event highlighted the use of sport as a tool to build youth and community resilience by strengthening key personal and social life skills, and by generating safe public spaces that facilitate positive youth engagement in marginalized communities.