10-year Celebration of the Judicial Cooperation Network for Central Asia and Southern Caucasus (CASC) at its 2024 Annual Plenary Meeting

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On 2-3 May 2024, the plenary meeting celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Judicial Cooperation Network for Central Asia and Southern Caucasus (CASC) was held in Astana in collaboration with the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The meeting served as a platform for dialogue for criminal justice practitioners between members of the Network and partners outside the CASC region to reflect on achievements made in the past 10 years, share the latest good practices in mutual legal assistance to prevent transnational organized crime, and identify the next steps for strengthening international cooperation in criminal matters in Central Asia and beyond.

The globalization of crime, which is becoming more and more transnational in nature, increases the need for international cooperation, illustrated by a significant increase in the number of requests received by countries for mutual legal assistance in the region: over the past three years in Kazakhstan alone, more than 3,200 requests for legal assistance were received. “The need of strengthening fight against transnational organized crime is even more crucial today as the criminals incorporate online aspects, combined with the growth in the use of modern technologies and virtual assets, which makes it more difficult to identify and track them”, highlighted Ms. Ashita Mittal, UNODC Regional Representative for Central Asia, opening the meeting. “The CASC network has become an important network and unique platform for international cooperation in the region, including to respond to new threats of international security”, added Mr. Koigeldiyev, Deputy Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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Participants included around 50 senior practitioners and experts, including prosecutors from Central Asia and Southern Caucasus, experts from Belgium, Thailand, Türkiye and the UK, and partner networks such as Eurojust, the European Judicial Network, the Southeast Asia Justice Network (SEAJust), the Global Operational Network of Anti-Corruption Law Enforcement Authorities (GloBE) and the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ). Invited experts from the region also provided key insights in dedicated sessions on cybercrime, digitalization and the promotion of gender equity.
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During the two-day meeting, participants discussed trends, challenges and good practices in international cooperation in the investigation and prosecution of different forms of transnational organized crime in Central Asia and in partner countries and networks, including with specific sessions focusing on cybercrime, money laundering, anti-corruption and asset recovery. This year, the plenary also focused on specific topics of particular interest, reflecting the CASC focus on new trend directions such as sustainable training initiatives, integration of human rights and gender aspects, sharing information on new trends and tools like Joint Investigation Teams (JITs) and digitalization. A dedicated sessions focused on digitalization of processes in international cooperation in criminal matters, which is being implemented in Uzbekistan and will significantly support countries in the region to share mutual legal assistance requests. Another session focused on promoting gender equity with the possibility to create a strategy for mainstreaming gender equity in the field of international cooperation in criminal matters within the CASC and its activities in Central Asia. A set of recommendations relative to challenges discussed were endorsed by the CASC members, which will be further implemented and promoted by the CASC Secretariat.

This initiative was made possible with the support of the United States Department of State Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL).

Learn more about the CASC Network.

Quotes - 10th anniversary of CASC- 2024 CASC Annual plenary meeting in Astana, 2-3 May

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“The CASC network became an important network and unique platform for international cooperation in criminal matters in the region, including to respond to new threats of international security”

Mr. Koigeldiyev, Deputy Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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“To facilitate international cooperation in criminal matters in the region and beyond, the importance of mutual trust is key, and is built on mutual knowledge. The CASC network is an opportunity to enhance this knowledge and trust”.
Ms. Melikyan, Senior Prosecutor from the Republic of Armenia
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“We clearly have an increase in the workload due to the globalization of crime, which is becoming transnational in nature. The number of requests for mutual legal assistance is growing significantly. Over the past 3 years, more than 3,200 requests were received in Kazakhstan alone, which illustrates the need for international cooperation and platforms such as the CASC. Because from our perspective, for effective cooperation it is necessary to successfully use a wide range of interaction tools and combine formal and informal ways of communication.”

Mr. Nurman Dairabayev, Head of Unit, International Legal Cooperation Service, Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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«The expansion of crime and its transnational character is one of the reasons for us to interact through the CASC platform: in this context, international cooperation becomes more and more significant”.

«Thanks to unity and mutual trust within the CASC network and with our partners, we will be able to tackle our main objectives, which are to ensure human rights protection and the rule of law, and of course to counter transnational organized crime”.

Mr. Nozim Khodjaey, Deputy Head, International Legal Department, Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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Receiving information from abroad for having a full-fledge investigation is crucial for transnational cases, and ensuring efficient international legal cooperation in criminal justice including through Mutual Legal Assistance is so important: this is the aim of the CASC Network which facilitates this cooperation”

Ms. Cholpon Abdimomunova, Prosecutor, Prosecutor General’s Office of the Kyrgyz Republic

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“Developing the gender-mainstreaming strategy with the CASC in 2024 will aim to help combat gender-based discrimination and support gender-sensitive needs of victims, witnesses and the accused in the context of international cooperation in criminal matters in the region”

Dr. Khalida Azhigulova, UNODC invited expert on gender mainstreaming from Kazakhstan