Course on countering the financing of terrorism for Kosovo[1] officials

11-13 July 2023, Vienna, Austria: UNODC jointly with OSCE organized a capacity building analysis course on countering the financing of terrorism (CFT) as part of a comprehensive training programme on CFT aimed at building the operational framework to prevent terrorists from moving, using and raising funds for terrorist purposes. The main goals of the programme are to strengthen local capacities in line with advanced international practices, enhance inter-agency cooperation and promote public-private partnerships.

During the three-day course in Vienna, a team of seven local trainers from the local authorities learned more about the identification and analysis of suspicious transactions related to terrorism financing and the use of a range of analytical techniques. The course provided a practical insight into the concepts of intelligence and analysis and the ways to apply them in CFT investigations.

The inter-agency team further worked on tailoring the course material to the local context together with the international expert trainers. As part of the comprehensive training programme, the experts taking part in the initiative, jointly with the lead trainers, will go on to deliver this course to their peers from relevant agencies dealing with CFT in September 2023.

The project activities are supported by the UNODC Programme Office in Skopje and the Global Programme against Money Laundering, Proceeds of Crime and the Financing of Terrorism at UNODC headquarters in Vienna. The course was organized with the financial support of the United States of America.


[1] All references to Kosovo shall be understood in the context of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999)