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Drug Laws/Individual Listing for GREECE

Drug Laws/Individual Listing
Law 3459/2006 - Government Gazette / 103/25.5.2006Code of Laws for Drugs ( K.N.N. )
Since XXXX, a number of new psychoactive substances have been added to the list of controlled substances contained in the Code of Laws on Narcotic Drugs 3459/06 (prior to this legislation the list of controlled substances was included in Law No. 1729/87, "Combat against the spread of drugs, protection of youth and other provisions"). 2C-E and 5-MeO-AMT were included in Table C of the list of controlled substances in XXX (See Ministerial Decision DYC3c/52627 of the Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity []); mCPP and 4AcO DET were added in 2006 to Table A of the list of controlled substances contained in Law 1729/1987 (See Joint ministerial decision DYC3c/3866 of the Ministry for Health and Social Solidarity and the Ministry of Justice); in 2006 the law 3459/2006 was passed and since then it regulates all drug-related issues and codifies drug-related provisions; cannabimimetic agents were included in the list in 2012 (See Ministerial decision 34912 (Government Gazette Β 3170 2011)[]): Identification of prohibited substances and doping methods within the meaning of Articles 128Β and 128C, law 2725/1999 (560938) []); mephedrone was added to Table A of the list of controlled substances included in the Law 3459/06 on narcotic drugs (See Ministerial decision 3566 (Government Gazette Β 271 2011): Substance regulated by law 3459/06 on narcotic drugs (536886) [ ]). Other NPS placed under control include pehnethylamines such as 2C-T-7, 2C-T-2, 2-C-I, piperazines such BZP and TFMPP and tryptamines such as 5-MeO-DMT, 4-AcO-DET.

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