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The UNODC Early Warning Advisory on NPS (EWA) implements the Early Warning sphere of action of the UNODC Synthetic Drug Strategy.


UNODC Laboratory and Scientific Service gratefully acknowledges the contribution of the following organizations and initiatives to the Early Warning Advisory on NPS, including by regularly providing data 

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

National Forensic Laboratory Information System (NFLIS)  

European Union Early Warning System on new psychoactive substances, European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)

Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (OAS/CICAD)

Bundeskriminalamt Österreich

Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

Health Canada

The National Addictions Authority Cyprus and Cyprus State General Laboratory

New Zealand National Drug Intelligence Bureau

International Narcotics Control Board (INCB)

Scientific Working Group for the Analysis of Seized Drugs (SWGDRUG) 

The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists (TIAFT)

World Customs Organization (WCO)






New Zealand

Republic of Korea

Russian Federation



United Kingdom

United States