At the heart of Ms. Waly’s vision is the creation of a protective environment in which the needs and rights of children are paramount. “This means strengthening systems capable of preventing and responding to violence against children, helping and protecting victims, and promoting rehabilitation and reintegration,” Ms. Waly stressed. Holding perpetrators of crimes against children accountable, investing heavily in prevention, strengthening caregiving skills, and paying attention to children’s mental health is also crucial, she added.
A new strategy to break the cycle of crime and violence
Ms. Waly noted that UNODC, together with the Office of the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence Against Children,
launched a new 2023-2030 Strategy to End Violence against Children in November 2023. “The Strategy prioritizes children in contexts affected by conflict, terrorism and organized crime, while also recognizing settings in which violence can be more silent, but no less dangerous,” she added.
UNODC’s work on protecting children
UNODC has extensive experience working to protect children. Since 2015, Ms. Waly highlighted, the
End Violence Against Children Team has provided assistance to 66 Member States, helped produce 33 national policy and guidance documents, and engaged directly with children and communities in different parts of the world. “UNODC also reached millions of families in conflict-affected settings with caregiving advice,” Ms. Waly said.
Cooperation with Parliaments
Ms. Waly noted UNODC’s expanding cooperation with parliaments, including the International Parliamentary Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, and the Arab Parliament. She noted that additional coordination with the European Parliament and others can help “foster the right conditions for preventing and responding to violence against children, including in contexts of insecurity.
“Violence is not an event but a cycle,” she concluded. “Our best hope to end that cycle is to protect our children, and to empower them to create a more peaceful world than the one we have managed.”