Nigeria continues to be significantly impacted by terrorism and violent extremism, ranking as the eighth most impacted country globally according to the 2023 Global Terrorism Index. In addition to the threats posed by terrorist groups in the North East, conflicts between farmers and herders have further exacerbated instability and criminal activity in the Middle Belt (North Central) region, while emerging separatist groups have raised concerns in the South.
Effective counter-terrorism responses grounded in the rule of law and human rights are critical to addressing these challenges. UNODC works with Nigeria to prevent and counter the evolving threats of terrorism and violent extremism by promoting international legal instruments, aiding domestic implementation of those instruments, and facilitating cooperation nationally and regionally. Grounded in legal and human rights norms and aligned with the UN Secretary General’s Common Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, our inclusive strategies promote a terrorism-free future.
Our work
Since 2012, UNODC has been providing specialized assistance to support Nigeria in effectively implementing the 19 universal legal instruments against terrorism, as well as relevant UN Security Council resolutions. The implementation of these conventions, protocols, and resolutions is guided by the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, the UNODC Strategic Vision for Africa 2030, and the UNODC Strategic Vision for Nigeria 2030.
UNODC support is provided through the delivery of capacity-building training for law enforcement officials, legal advisors, prosecutors, defence lawyers and judges; the provision of technical assistance to policymakers on the legal and policy framework related to terrorism; and by working with local partners, including civil society organizations to prevent and counter violent extremism.
Our partners
Over the years, UNODC has built strong partnerships with key national partners, including the Office of National Security Adviser (ONSA), the Federal Ministry of Justice (FMoJ), the Department of State Security Services (DSSS), the Nigerian Police Force (NPF), the Federal High Court (FHC), the National Judicial Institute (NJI), the Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (NIALS), the Legal Aid Council of Nigeria (LACON), the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), the Nigerian Financial Intelligence Unit (NFIU), the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development (FMWSD), the Nigeria Bar Association (NBA) and the Nigerian Armed Forces (NAF), including the Joint Investigation Centre (JIC) in Maiduguri.
Other key international partners include the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC), the African Union (AU), as well as the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).
Our projects