Malaysia's Mobile Court - Judging in the Still of the Forest
December 20, 2019

Malaysia's Mobile Court - Judging in the Still of the Forest

As exotic as it may sound, judging issues and problems in the far reaches of Malaysia's interior is certainly no mean feat.

Large swathes of people in rural Malaysia live in remote corners, especially in the states of Sabah and Sarawak (formerly known as North Borneo) - home of the famed "Man from Sandakan". Most of the populace in these parts are indigenous. By and large, they are vulnerable by reason of their poverty and intellectual disadvantage.

Is 'Open Justice' Possible?
November 11, 2019

Is 'Open Justice' Possible?

In Argentina, the justice system is going through a crisis of trust and legitimacy. One of the reasons for this crisis is that access to justice presents numerous difficulties that are aggravated by the lack of public policies that strengthen transparency, accountability and citizens' participation in the judiciary.

In line with the Bangalore Principles of Judicial Conduct and the provisions for its implementation, we believe that public confidence in the justice system is of the utmost importance in a modern and democratic society. It is also essential that judges honour jurisdictional functions and actively work to promote transparency in the judiciary.

Therefore, it is our duty to echo the citizens' claims and to set out concrete actions to create a new way of administering justice in our country.

From Washington, UNODC launches guidelines to uphold judicial integrity in the age of social media
November 6, 2019

From Washington, UNODC launches guidelines to uphold judicial integrity in the age of social media

The application of rights combined with technology can do wonders for international development, but only when used properly. With technology having become so ubiquitous, and with its impact felt increasingly in numerous development fields, it was chosen as the theme of this year's annual  Law, Justice and Development Week hosted by the  World Bank. To better understand the current development climate and how technology impacts it, 165 organizations and some 200 speakers are debating numerous ramifications of technology over 67 sessions during the weeklong conference at the World Bank's Washington, D.C. headquarters.

The Doha Programme launches a seminar series for university students
October 24, 2019

The Doha Programme launches a seminar series for university students

Empowering the next generation to change the world is neither an easily definable mission nor a simple task, but it certainly is a prerequisite to achieving the ambitious  Sustainable Development Agenda. While students at the tertiary level are often already aware of - and reasonably informed about - the challenges facing the global community and have ideas about what they want to do, many may feel they have not yet found the ideal avenue through which to pursue their professional aspirations.

It launched last week at the renowned  Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, a historic institution from which many women and men have graduated to take up positions of leadership in various international careers, shaping the trajectory of the modern world.

Leading by Example: Corruption Reporting Mechanisms in the Moroccan Judiciary
October 8, 2019

Leading by Example: Corruption Reporting Mechanisms in the Moroccan Judiciary

As an International Association of Women Judges (IAWJ) member and as a Moroccan magistrate, I strongly believe that corruption and unethical practices significantly affect development and progress, in addition to hindering the stability of states. Preventing judicial corruption requires synergy to consolidate the principle of integrity and the moralization of public life, as well as link responsibility to identifying and combating corruption. In this vein, the Moroccan judiciary has been improving both its corruption reporting mechanisms, as well as targeting corruption within the judiciary itself.