Young justice coders compete in global hackathon
July 12, 2018

Young justice coders compete in global hackathon

It is a well-established fact that children learn better and absorb their lessons faster when they are personally involved in applying the fruit of their knowledge, or when they participate in the actual development of tools meant to teach what they are learning.

In an era of prevalent technology for children in homes and schools alike, coding and software development - including for games - are increasingly becoming an important and inescapable step in the education process, helping to enhance student's critical and computational thinking, problem-solving and digital literacy skills, creative thinking and determination.

Advancing justice – and gender equality – through the Global Judicial Integrity Network
June 28, 2018

Advancing justice - and gender equality - through the Global Judicial Integrity Network

Every initiative undertaken by UNODC and the entire United Nations family aims to spread equality throughout the world. For a fair, peaceful and just global community, and to achieve SDG 16 for which UNODC works continuously (peace, justice and strong institutions), men and women must be equal in all aspects of work and life. 

Redressing gender inequalities is at the core of UNODC's Strategy for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, and a goal shared by the Global Programme for the Implementation of the Doha Declaration as it works to promote a culture of lawfulness around the world, providing education and training and supporting the full participation of women in every professional sphere.

A new chance for prisoners to mend their future, one stitch at a time
June 14, 2018

A new chance for prisoners to mend their future, one stitch at a time

In its commitment to advancing the rule of law, UNODC has been working on the rehabilitation of prisoners, and reducing the possibility of recidivism by investing in their future and changing their outlook on life. In penitentiary facilities around the globe, programmes to rehabilitate detainees, rather than merely punish them, are being implemented with the guidance and direct support of the organization. Such programmes, including training in a variety of sectors such as crafts, construction and fashion positively affect prisoners' behaviour and attitude, giving them a purpose as they serve time. They also impart viable skills and qualifications for them to apply outside of jail. One such programme has outdone even its initial expectations, not only rehabilitating female prisoners in Panama, but also turning their work into sellable, and potentially profitable products.

UNODC’s Model UN guide tested and praised in first training exercise
May 30, 2018

UNODC's Model UN guide tested and praised in first  training exercise

Around the globe, it is estimated that over 1,500 Model United Nations (MUN) conferences are held every year, involving up to half a million learners from primary school to university. To promote the rule of law to students through this academic simulation phenomenon, UNODC's unique  Model UN Guide was the first of its kind to support the integration of crime prevention and criminal justice issues into an MUN  when it was launched earlier this year.

To explore the Guide's potential for wider dissemination in established MUN arenas, the  Education for Justice (E4J) initiative hosted a three-day training workshop last week, engaging with educators, university student leaders and staff from the numerous UNODC offices around the world.

UNODC takes youth offline with new edutainment selection
May 22, 2018

UNODC takes youth offline with new edutainment selection

Educational material is ever more available for all ages online as access to the Internet increases worldwide, allowing children and young adults everywhere to enjoy a wide offer of entertainment and a broad range of educational games. UNODC's own array into that field includes the recent launch of the video game 'Chuka, Break the Silence,' educating young ones on gender-based violence, and the upcoming relaunch of the updated app 'Fair Play,' a game which stimulates ethical decision-making and integrity.

Many experts do believe, however, that real life personal interaction can be more conducive to learning, and that interactive educational games are a perfect medium to impart lessons which are better absorbed.