E4Js Zorbs help children stay safe from COVID19 in Lebanon
April 30, 2020

E4J's Zorbs help children stay safe from COVID-19 in Lebanon

The lockdown has been difficult for most people, as the world adapts to the strict measures necessary to combat COVID-19. For children, the challenge is a big one as they find themselves suddenly unable to learn in the appropriate settings, or to run around outside with their friends. This situation becomes even more problematic when children are in particularly vulnerable circumstances, in need of humanitarian assistance and with few outlets to help them deal with the reality.

Several hundred children in Lebanon were pleasantly surprised this month when they discovered The Zorbs, the colourful alien characters helping young generations understand the values which help keep the world safe.

The Croatian Judicial Ethics Training Experience
April 30, 2020

The Croatian Judicial Ethics Training Experience

Croatia is one of the more than forty jurisdictions that have agreed to become training sites for the implementation of the  UNODC Judicial Ethics Training Tools , with the aim to enhance judges' integrity and contribute to the fight against corruption in the judiciary at the global level. Training activities on judicial ethics are already regularly included in the annual programmes of the  Croatian Judicial Academy  (JA), which is the national public institution in charge of initial and continuous judicial training.


COVID-19, Technology and Access to Justice
April 28, 2020

COVID-19, Technology and Access to Justice

Ever since 1979, the Indian Supreme Court has accepted access to justice as a basic human right, a view propounded by legal scholars Mauro Cappelletti and Bryant Garth. Towards achieving this goal, the Legal Services Authority Act was passed by parliament in 1987. As a result of this legislation, free legal aid and advice is available to all women, children, persons in custody, and other disadvantaged persons. Access to justice has been challenged by COVID-19 in an unimaginable way.


With 'Lockdown Learners' initiative, UNODC engages youth confined by COVID-19
April 24, 2020

With 'Lockdown Learners' initiative, UNODC engages youth confined by COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is a global crisis that has affected billions around the world and impacted all aspects of life and society. In the area of education, nearly 165 countries have implemented country-wide school and university closures, as indicated by the Secretary-General in his report 'Shared responsibility, global solidarity: responding to the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 .' More than 1.5 billion children and youth are currently out of school or university, representing 87 per cent of the world's enrolled student population. In addition, over 60 million teachers are no longer in the classroom.

Responding to the global crisis, UNODC has launched the 'Lockdown Learners' series of online dialogues with students and educators in India on COVID-19 and its impact on SDGs, peace and the rule of law. 

With UNODC support, Namibia prisoner rehabilitation project helps stop COVID-19 spread
April 20, 2020

With UNODC support, Namibia prisoner rehabilitation project helps stop COVID-19 spread

The rapid spread of COVID-19 around the world has demonstrated that everyone is susceptible to the ravages of this virus, with some population groups more at risk than others depending on their age and health conditions. While these factors  have been widely publicized , there are some groups which remain less visible in the public eye, but which are nevertheless an integral part of society; prisoners, for whom social distancing is not an option in tight spaces, are unable to take the same precautions as most other members of society.

UNODC's mission to promote crime prevention and criminal justice, amongst others, places strong value on the social rehabilitation and reintegration of prisoners.