Application of a Code of Conduct for Judges
February 4, 2020

Application of a Code of Conduct for Judges

Judges are the public face of justice and of the rule of law. As such, they have a duty to live up to the highest standards of integrity and impartiality in order to preserve public trust in what is a most fundamental pillar of democracy. 

Codes of conduct are a pivotal instrument to translate core values into behavioural norms. They do not only have an aspirational nature, showing the best path to resolve ethical dilemmas, but they must also be effectively implemented in practice. In keeping with safeguarding judicial independence, implementation must come first and foremost from within the judiciary itself. 

Global gathering in Vienna marks the successes of UNODC’s Line Up, Live Up
January 27, 2020

Global gathering in Vienna marks the successes of UNODC's Line Up, Live Up

The concept of sport for development has become an integral part of development agendas around the world and has been incorporated in various ways into them. Recognized as a powerful contributor to the empowerment of communities and to their social progress, especially for youth, sport has an overwhelmingly positive effect on those who practice it. For the past four years, UNODC's Global Programme for the Implementation of the Doha Declaration has been working on crime prevention through several components, benefitting hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world.  With its Youth Crime Prevention through Sports  component, UNODC has focused on engaging youth from marginalized and at-risk communities, promoting sports while inculcating and strengthening positive life skills and values which can help young people better navigate daily challenges in life.

Malaysia's Mobile Court - Judging in the Still of the Forest
December 20, 2019

Malaysia's Mobile Court - Judging in the Still of the Forest

As exotic as it may sound, judging issues and problems in the far reaches of Malaysia's interior is certainly no mean feat.

Large swathes of people in rural Malaysia live in remote corners, especially in the states of Sabah and Sarawak (formerly known as North Borneo) - home of the famed "Man from Sandakan". Most of the populace in these parts are indigenous. By and large, they are vulnerable by reason of their poverty and intellectual disadvantage.

United Against Corruption: Youth at the Forefront - International Anti-Corruption Day 2019
December 16, 2019

United Against Corruption: Youth at the Forefront - International Anti-Corruption Day 2019

New Delhi, India / 9 December 2019. Observing the International Anti-Corruption Day 2019, UNODC South Asia engaged with over 5000 students and educators from Delhi, Gurugram and Bengaluru to strengthen youth action against corruption. Extending support to UNODC's Education for Justice Initiative (E4J), schools convened a range of interactive activities, pledge drives, skits and workshops to sensitise students on corruption and its impact of society.

Promoting rule of law is a continuous duty
December 13, 2019

Promoting rule of law is a continuous duty

The world is not stationary: it is forever-changing, and we are changing with it. The rule of law does not necessarily mean that we will be utilizing a perfect system of laws which can be applicable anytime, anywhere; new laws are written, some laws become obsolete, and others are adapted. Ideally, in a perfect world, the rule of law should guarantee a continuous pursuit of our evolution on what is just or unjust, what is right or wrong, and what is moral or immoral. Rule of law and its promotion means that despite the system's imperfections, we try to make a world a better place where we have equal opportunities for freedom, education, and life itself, and where justice can actually be served.