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UNODC has developed several tools, manuals and publications to enhance knowledge of challenges, policies and good practices on the implementation of UNCAC.
The database provides access to the outcome documents of the Implementation Review Mechanism, including full country review reports and executive summaries, and to other country-based information on the Convention’s implementation.
The Legal Library of the Tools and Resources for Anti-Corruption Knowledge portal provides access to legislation on the implementation of UNCAC worldwide, searchable by each Convention provision.
The G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group produces a wealth of resources aimed at bolstering anti-corruption efforts, including high-level principles, compendia of good practices and country-specific guidance.
The Global Operational Network of Law Enforcement Authorities facilitates transnational cooperation on corruption cases. The GlobE community of practitioners is growing fast. On the GlobE Secure Communications Platform they connect and collaborate directly, securely sharing information and good practices to detect, investigate and prosecute corruption. With the UNODC and partners, the Network seeks to make cooperation on transnational corruption cases effective and efficient world-wide.
The Programme's subsite provides an overview of UNODC's project activities in promoting the role of supreme audit institutions in combating corruption and strengthening their collaboration with anti-corruption bodies. It also provides access to tools developed for this purpose.
The dedicated subsite provides an overview of UNODC’s activities in promoting integrity and anti-corruption in international investment. The site contains relevant knowledge products and tools developed by UNODC and other stakeholders on the topic.
The Programme is at the forefront of the international efforts to prevent, detect, investigate and sanction wrongdoing in sports. Its portal contains resources and policy frameworks supporting the fight against this crime, along with an overview of ongoing activities involving key stakeholders.