Introducing Counter-Terrorism and Firearms Modules of E4J to the Academia of the Central Asia States

11-12 September 2019, Almaty, Kazakhstan - Academics and policy makers from the Central Asian States joined over 600  academics and national experts from more than 550 universities and 114 countries in promoting rule of law. Nearly 50 university teachers and professors from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan took part in the regional expert workshop on Education for Justice ( E4J) University Module Series on Counter Terrorism and Firearms, organized by the UNODC Regional Office for central Asia and KIMEP University in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

«Within this initiative, UNODC has developed a series of university modules and other tools to assist academics teaching on some of today's most crucial threats. Specifically, E4J aims to support tertiary level educators and academics in their efforts to transmit knowledge and create a deeper understanding of rule of law related issues, with a focus on the subject areas of crime prevention and criminal justice, anti-corruption, organized crime, trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants, firearms, cybercrime, wildlife, forest and fisheries crime, counter-terrorism as well as integrity and ethics.» - noted Ms. Ashita Mittal, UNODC Regional Representative for Central Asia.

Education for Justice (E4J) University Module Series are designed for use as a stand-alone teaching resources, or as a means of enhancing existing courses in criminology, law, political science, international relations, business, sociology, and many other disciplines.

In July 2019, an Expert Workshop on Cybercrime modules for academics from the region took place in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. This time, the academics from Central Asia got introduced to the modules focusing on Counter-Terrorism (CT) and Trafficking in Firearms (TiF). They discussed E4J module design approaches, including the use of case studies in the context of the modules, went through E4J modules just as users would, discussed how the E4J modules can be adapted to local and disciplinary contexts, promoted and how their impact could be maximized.

A set of E4J modules (on Counter Terrorism, Firearms, Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, Organized Crime, Trafficking in Persons, Ethics and others) are being translated into Russian to ensure wider access by local and regional educational institutions.

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