CNJ Handbooks for the Strengthening of the Pre-Trial Detention Hearings

Handbook on Decision-making for Pre-Trial Detention Hearings

  • General Parameters

Manual on Decision-making for Custody Hearings – General Parameters (in Portuguese)


  • Parameters for Crimes and Profiles

Manual on Decision-making for Custody Hearings – Parâmeters for Crimes and Profiles (in Portuguese)


Manual of Social Protection in the Pre-Trial Detention Hearings: Parameters for the Service of Assistance to Persons in Custody


Manual of Social Protection in the Pre-Trial Detention Hearings: Parameters for the Service of Assistance to Persons in Custody (in Portuguese)


Manual on Preventing and Combating Torture and Mistreatment for Pre-Trial Detention Hearings


Manual on Preventing and Combating Torture and Mistreatment for Pre-Trial Detention Hearings (in Portuguese)


Handbook on Handcuffs and other Contention Instruments in Judicial Hearings

Manual on Handcuffs and other Contention Instruments in Judicial Hearings (in Portuguese)


In November 2020, five handbooks were released as part of a collection to qualify the pre-trial detention hearings in Brazil as well as to guarantee the rights of persons in custody, including socio-psychosocial aspects and access to services promoting care, citizenship, and social inclusion for vulnerable population.

Until then, guidance about the subject was provided only through CNJ Resolutions, with no technical tools to parametrize these hearings. Furthermore, the Project operates close to the national courts of justice, providing support for adapting and responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, observing the impact on the criminal justice system.