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Survey data for the 2018 UN-CTS are currently being collected by UNODC
Following ECOSOC Resolution 2015/24 (E/RES/2015/24) and driven by recommendations agreed upon at the First Global Meeting of UN-CTS Focal Points in May 2016. UNODC has undertaken a review of the UN-CTS. Following a comprehensive round of consultation among UN-CTS Focal Points and Permanent Missions a revised data collection instrument was completed in July 2018. The UN-CTS was reviewed to bring it in line with the International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes (ICCS) and to enable countries to report data for Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicators for which UNODC is indicated as custodian agency by the United Nations Statistical Commission. This comprehensive consultation process, which also included representatives of relevant regional and international organizations, resulted in a revised UN-CTS data collection instrument and was considered a major improvement in the global data collection on crime and criminal justice by the Joint Second Meeting of UN-CTS Focal Points and ICCS Technical Advisory Group in June 2018.
The UN-CTS deals with information, primarily administrative statistics, on the main components of the criminal justice system (police, prosecution, courts and prisons). In addition, the UN-CTS collects available data from crime victimization surveys.
Download Data Questionnaire file: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish
Download Metadata file: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish
Information for Member States
Member States that have not yet appointed a focal point qualified to coordinate the response to UN-CTS questionnaires are invited to inform UNODC of the name and contact details of the focal point by email to Following the appointment of the focal point, the Secretariat shall continue to provide a copy of all correspondence related to the UN-CTS to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
An information document that specifies the tasks that the UN-CTS Focal Point should perform is available to download in Word format in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. The document also includes a form for submitting new or updated contact details of the Focal Point to UNODC.
Any queries relating to the UN-CTS may be addressed to