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Drug Laws/Individual Listing for BRAZIL

Drug Laws/Individual Listing
ANVISA Ordinance SVS/MS No. 344/1998 [last amended by Resolution DC N. 192 of 11 December 2017] (Dispõe sobre a atualização do Anexo I (Listas de Substâncias Entorpecentes, Psicotrópicas, Precursoras e Outras sob Controle Especial) da Portaria SVS/MS nº 344, de 12 de maio de 1998) (pt)
Brazil’s drug law, Law 11.343 of 2006, commits the definitions and regulation of drugs and other substances to the National Health Surveillance Authority (ANVISA), which had already, on 12 May 1998, promulgated Ordinance SVS/MS No. 344/1998, annexing official lists of regulated and prohibited drugs, including precursors, intermediates, salts, and isomers.

ANVISA has added to or altered the lists 61 times since 1998, as recently as 11 December 2017. Once ANVISA classifies a substance as regulated or prohibited, the criminal justice system can take action against the improper use, possession, or trade of that substance.

From 1 January 2016 until 1 May 2018, additions to the official list of controlled and prohibited substances in Brazil included at least 27 individual New Psychoactive Substances and NPS-specific precursor chemicals, such as carfentanyl in November 2017 and ANPP, NPP, butyrfentanyl, U-47700, 3-MMC, 4-MEAPP, 25I-NBF, 30C-NBOMe, ALFA-EAPP, dimethylone, N-ethylpentylone, and pentylone in March of the same year.

In 2014, more than 20 new substances were placed under national control. The substances included various NBOMe compounds, 2C- compounds, and methoxetamine.

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