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Drug Laws/Individual Listing for ESTONIA

Drug Laws/Individual Listing
Regulation No. 73 of "narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances for medical and scientific purposes, and for handling the accounting and reporting on conditions and procedures for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances" amended by Regulation No 39 of 26.11.2013 [RT I, 26.11.2013, 4] (est)
The list of controlled substances in Estonia is included in “the regulation on narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances” No. 73, May 2005 [Narkootiliste ja psühhotroopsete ainete meditsiinilisel ja teaduslikul eesmärgil käitlemise ning sellealase arvestuse ja aruandluse tingimused ja kord ning narkootiliste ja psühhotroopsete ainete nimekirjad; Vastu võetud 18.05.2005 nr 73 RTL 2005, 57, 807jõustumine 05.06.2005] amended by RT I, 26.11.2013, 4 which provides an updated list of controlled substances. Since 2007 a number of NPS have been added to this list: 2C-I; 2C-T-2; 2C-T-7; TMA-2; BZP; CPP were added in 2007 [RTL 2007, 88, 1477 – 26.11.2007]; several CP- JHW- and HU- compounds were added to the list in 2009 [RTL 2009, 59, 872 – 24.07.2009]; other JWH- compounds and mephedrone were added to the list in 2009 [RTL 2009, 89, 1308 – 11.12.2009]; in August 2016, W-18 and 5F-MDMB-PINACA were added to the list of controlled substances []. In 2016, Estonia added 7 NPS to Schedule I of the list of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances:4-AcO-DMT, 2C-P, ethylone, 5F-AMB, furanylfentanyl, W-18 and 5F-MDMB-PINACA.

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