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Specific NPS Legislation for AUSTRIA

Specific NPS Legislation
Federal Act on the Protection against health hazards in connection with new psychoactive substances (2012) (ger)

In 2011, a New Psychoactive Substances Law (Neue Psychoaktive Substanzen Gesetz - NPSG) was passed to regulate NPS in force since January 2012 (see BGBl. I Nr. 146/2011 and amended by BGBl. I Nr. 48/2013). Under this new legislation the Ministry of Health was granted powers to designate individual or groups of NPS through a regulation for purposes of control. Customs authorities are granted powers to seize NPS. The law also criminalized the manufacture, import, export and supply of NPS. Complementary to the New Psychoactive Substances Law, the New Psychoactive Substances regulation (NSPV) determines which substances fall under the prohibition of the NPSG.

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