09th April 2013 - Tripoli, Libya
Having recently emerged from a historic revolution inspired by the Arab Spring, Libya is going through a delicate post-conflict transitional period that offers both opportunities and challenges. One such challenge is human trafficking. With a view to enhancing the Libyan Government's response to this transnational crime, UNODC held during the period 9-11 April 2013 a training workshop for Libyan law enforcement officials in the premises of the National Police Technical Training College, Tripoli, Libya.
Twenty five law enforcement officers from the General Department for Combating Illegal Migration, Coast Guard, Passport Control, General Investigation and Training Departments attended the training organized in partnership with the League of Arab States and in coordination with the Libyan Ministry of Interior. The objective of the training was to build the capacities of these law enforcement officers as first responders to human trafficking and as investigators of trafficking in persons cases.
Through a blend of didactic and interactive approaches, the training covered topics that included the definitions of trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants, investigation techniques (including crime scene and physical evidence investigations), psychological reactions of victims, interviewing techniques for victims, international cooperation, risk assessments and protection needs of victims. The training modules used were based on the UNODC Anti-Human Trafficking Manual for Criminal Justice Practitioners and aimed at strengthening the capacity of police officers both as to effectively prevent and investigate cases of human trafficking while assisting and protecting trafficking victims.
UNODC training film " Affected for Life" was viewed as part of the training and introductions to the Victim Assistance Translation Tool and the First Aid Kit for use by Law Enforcement Responders in addressing Human Trafficking were made.
The training was provided in the framework of UNODC project 'Strengthening the framework of the Arab Region to prevent and combat human trafficking', funded by the Government of Norway and the 'Global programme against human trafficking'.
For more information on the UNODC Global Programme against Human Trafficking please contact: The Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling Section: htmss@unodc.org.
For information on UNODC project 'Strengthening the framework of the Arab Region to prevent and combat human trafficking' please contact: Aspasia Plakantonaki, aspasia.plakantonaki@unodc.org.