With the mandate to make the Member States safer from drugs and crime, UNODC ROMENA is committed to support countries in the region in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which draws together various elements into a comprehensive and forward- looking framework and explicitly recognizes the interrelationship between sustainable development on the one hand, and the fight against drugs and crime, including corruption and terrorism on the other.
The 2030 Agenda reflects a shift in global thinking on how crosscutting issues - including the rule of law and fair, effective and humane justice systems, as well as health-oriented responses to drug use - are enablers for development, and how their absence impedes development in countries of all income levels. The 2030 Agenda, therefore, is a means to ensure that efforts at all levels are holistic and inclusive, backed by multi-stakeholder partnerships and supported by an increase in policy coherence and mainstreaming, and a decrease in addressing crime prevention and drug control issues in silos which are not fully integrated into development plans.
In this sense, the 2030 Agenda does not replace or supersede UNODC's core mandates, but helps the Office to locate and communicate what it does in the larger context of national and global priorities on sustainable development. UNODC, therefore, provides Member States meaningful support in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the application of a results-based approach in project and programme management.