The National Committee for Combating Human Trafficking (NCCT) in collaboration with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime(UNODC) and Sudan Centre for Development and Democracy (National NGO) organized a joint event to celebrate the World Day against Trafficking in Persons and the launching of the Blue Heart Campaign in the presence of officials from the Ministry of Justice, International Organization for Migration(IOM), civil society organizations, youth unions, academia and activists.
In his remarks, NCCT Deputy Chairperson, Mr. Ismael Tirab emphasized the Government of Sudan commitment to combat Trafficking in Persons(TIP) and to protect the victims, especially children. He referred to Sudan efforts to end child recruitment and he also highlighted the anti-TIP National Strategy approach to strengthen the juvenile justice system to effectively respond to child victims. Mr. Tirab concluded "today we announce launching of the Blue Heart Campaign and we pledge to exert every effort to combat Trafficking in Persons and to provide protection to the victims with full coordination and collaboration with international community and civil society".
The representative of the consortium of civil society organizations, Dr. Omer Alkhair, commended the engagement of the Sudanese civil society in the Blue Heart Campaign and added that " this is a remarkable moment for us as civil society organizations. By launching the Blue Heart Campaign, we moved to a new understanding for the roles in combating Trafficking in Persons. Instead of being an official role run only by government, today the civil society and everyone in the community will have a vital role in supporting victims and reintegrating them into their communities. We have a responsibility to raise awareness among people in remote areas and to work with youth and university students".
At the end of the event, UNODC documentary film "Affected for life" was displayed and followed by an open debate on TIP trends and the way forward for the 4Ps in Sudan (Prevention, Protection, Prosecution and Partnerships).
Sudan ratified the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) on 10 December 2004 and accessed to the Protocol on Trafficking in Persons on 2 December 2014.
The celebration was organized under the Better Migration Management project, thanks to the support provided by the European Union and GIZ.