Economic and Social Council | |
Distr. E/RES/1974/1843(LVI) | |
1974/1843(LVI). | Report of the International Narcotics Control Board |
The Economic and Social Council, Having considered the report of the International Narcotics Control Board on its work in 1973,2/ Recalling its resolution 1779(LIV) of 18 May 1973, 1. Expresses its appreciation to the members of the International Narcotics Control Board, particularly those members whose terms of office expire during 1974, for their distinguished service in international drug control; 2. Commends the Board for its comprehensive and valuable report on its work in 1973; 3. Recommends that report to the urgent and serious attention of all Member States. 1896th plenary meeting, 2/ E/INCB/21 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.74.XI.2).