2023-2019 | 2018-2016

UNODC Promotes Concerted Efforts to Confront the Challenge of Cocaine Trafficking from South America to the Balkans
21-25 October 2024, Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) - Over the last ten years, global cocaine production has increased significantly. In 2022, 2,700 tons of cocaine were produced worldwide, a 20 per cent rise from 2021 and three times the amount produced a decade earlier.
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GPCD CRIMJUST partnered with OHCHR-WARO and UNWOMEN to hold a first meeting on human rights and gender mainstreaming in the investigation and prosecution of transnational organized crime, in Benin
Cotonou, Benin, 12-13 August 2024 - CRIMJUST held a first stakeholders’ meeting to define a roadmap on human rights and gender mainstreaming in the investigation and prosecution of transnational organized crime, including illicit trafficking in Benin.
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CRIMJUST Annual Meeting 2024: Building Global Bridges to Combat Transnational Crime
Abuja, Nigeria, 7-9 October, 2024 - In the heart of the Nigerian capital, the CRIMJUST 2024 Annual Meeting brought together the European Union, INTERPOL, key GIFP sister projects, and representatives from law enforcement agencies and regional prosecutor networks. Hosted by the United Nations House in Nigeria the meeting advanced global cooperation in the fight against illicit trafficking and organized crime.
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Sri Lanka: Regional Roundtable and Systems Analysis Exercise on Mapping Drug Trafficking Networks in the Eastern Indian Ocean Region
30 August 2024 - Situated right in between the world’s two largest drug production regions, widely referred to as the Golden Triangle and the Golden Crescent, the South Asian region has continuously seen illicit trafficking of drugs on the rise.
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Stakeholder Meeting in Trinidad and Tobago: Development of a Roadmap for the Integration of Human Rights and Gender Considerations into Organized Crime Investigations
25-26 July 2024 - With the aim of leveraging human rights and gender dimensions in criminal justice action in Trinidad and Tobago, CRIMJUST, under the Global Illicit Flows Programme and in collaboration with the UNODC Regional Office for Central America and the Caribbean, convened a diverse range of stakeholders in Port of Spain from 25-26 July 2024, including the Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs, the Ministry of National Security, the United Nations Resident Coordinator Office, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, UN Women, the UN Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate, the UNODC Terrorism Prevention Branch, CARICOM IMPACS, Civil Society Organisations, the University of the West Indies, and the Stimson Center, who jointly developed a roadmap for the integration of human rights and gender considerations into organized crime investigations in Trinidad and Tobago.
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UNODC GPCD (CRIMJUST) Strengthens the Cooperation between Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Officials of Portugal and Guinea-Bissau to Tackle Drug Trafficking
9-11 July 2024 - CRIMJUST, in collaboration with the UNODC Programme Office in Guinea-Bissau, the UNODC Passenger and Cargo Border Team Airport Communication Project (AIRCOP) and Interpol, brought together Judicial Police officers and criminal justice officials from Portugal and Guinea-Bissau in Lisbon, Portugal to share experiences and strengthen cooperation in the fight against drug trafficking.
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Conducting a Training of Trainers for Oversight and Accountability Mechanisms in The Gambia on the Prevention and Prohibition of Torture Act 2023, the Istanbul Protocol and the Mandela Rules
4 - 6 March 2024 - UNODC, through its GPCD (CRIMJUST) Programme, funded by the European Union's Global Illicit Flows Programme, conducted a three-day training of trainers (ToT) workshop in The Gambia on the Prevention and Prohibition of Torture Act 2023, the Istanbul Protocol and the Mandela Rules for Oversight and Accountability Mechanisms in The Gambia. This activity aimed to strengthen institutional integrity and accountability and to mainstream a human rights-based approach in the interventions of criminal justice actors involved in combating transnational organised crime along illicit trafficking routes.
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United Against Corruption: Ethics and Integrity Training for Border Control Units in the Dominican Republic
30 January -1 February 2024 - In order to strengthen the development of a culture of ethics and integrity and to reduce corruption risks in border control units in the Dominican Republic, CRIMJUST delivered an ethics and integrity training in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
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UNODC GPCD (CRIMJUST) Kicks-off its Programme to Integrate a Human Rights-Based Approach into the Response to Transnational Organised Crime in The Gambia
13-14 November 2023 - The UNODC-GPCD CRIMJUST team conducted a mission to The Gambia from 13 to 15 November 2023, in the framework of CRIMJUST III to strengthen institutional integrity and accountability, as well as to mainstream a human rights-based approach and gender into the interventions of criminal justice actors involved in combating transnational organised crime along illicit trafficking routes.
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CRIMJUST Gathers Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Officials in Colombia for Specialized Training on Effective Responses to Cocaine Production and Trafficking
24-29 September 2023 - CRIMJUST, in collaboration with the Integrated Illicit Crops Monitoring System (SIMCI), brought together anti-narcotic police officers and prosecutors from Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean in Tolima, Colombia for a unique specialized workshop on current trends in cocaine production and trafficking. This eye-opening event transmitted specific and up-to-date knowledge on current trends in cocaine production and trafficking and involved a practical demonstration of the processing of coca leaf to cocaine hydrochloride.
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CRIMJUST-EUROJUST Interregional Meeting of Iberoamerican and European Prosecutors in The Hague
13-14 September 2023 - The CRIMJUST and EUROJUST meeting, part of the EMPACT High-Risk Criminal Networks (HRCN) Operative Action 8.6, focused on enhancing cooperation among prosecutors in Latin America and Europe, with the goal of combating high-risk criminal networks (HRCN), organized crime groups (OCGs), cybercrime, illegal migration, and illegal smuggling.
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CRIMJUST delivers Training-of-Trainers on ethics and integrity for law enforcement officers within Joint Airport Interdiction Task Forces (JAITF) and Joint Maritime Control Units (JMCU) in Accra, Ghana
10-14 July 2023 - CRIMJUST, in partnership with AIRCOP and SEACOP, delivered a Training-of-trainers for law enforcement officers within the Joint Airport Interdiction Task Forces (JAITFs) of Abuja, Accra, Banjul, and Lagos, as well as officers from the Joint Maritime Control Unit (JMCU) of the port of Tema (Ghana). The event had two main objectives: 1) the strengthening of the participants’ knowledge of ethics and integrity principles and mechanisms specific to the local context of the Gambia, Ghana, and Nigeria; and 2) the development and expansion of the participants' pedagogical skills and expertise to adequately disseminate the acquired knowledge among their peers to ensure the programme’s sustainability and to foster a strong integrity organizational foundation.
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CRIMJUST bolstered the capacity of criminal justice actors vis-à-vis controlled deliveries across legal systems and regions
3-4 July 2023 - CRIMJUST, under the framework of Operation Azure Phase II, launched the Expert Group Meeting on Controlled Deliveries in Vienna, Austria. The main purpose of the meeting, which was organized under the Synthetic Drug Strategy of UNODC, was to develop two technical assistance tools (a handbook and a manual) that will strengthen the capacity of prosecutors and investigators in their efforts of disrupting synthetic drug trafficking with a specific focus on special investigative techniques across different legal systems.
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CRIMJUST delivers Training of Trainers on Operational Risk Management
13-14 June 2023 - The CRIMJUST regional project – “Strengthening criminal justice responses to drug trafficking and related transnational organized crime in coastal Francophone countries in West Africa”, funded by the U.S. State Department, delivered a training of trainers/subject matter experts on Operational Risk Management to 12 investigators from specialist units tackling transnational organised crime from Benin, Togo and Côte d’Ivoire.
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The CRIMJUST Global Programme launches a third phase of programming at its Annual Meeting (2023) in Rio de Janeiro
6-8 June 2023 - The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), INTERPOL and the European Union launched the third phase of CRIMJUST at the global programme’s sixth Annual Meeting in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). This third phase of programming, implemented by UNODC and INTERPOL, and funded by the European Union under the framework of the Global Illicit Flows Programme (GIFP), will aim to strengthen transnational investigations and criminal justice cooperation with a view of disrupting illicit trafficking flows and related organized crime. This phase is notably marked by a departure from a commodity-based approach and an expansion to the Caribbean, as well as an increased emphasis on financial disruption strategies and on mainstreaming human rights and gender-based approaches to tackle organized crime.
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CRIMJUST and the Attorney General's Office of Cabo Verde hold International Conference on the Ethics and Integrity of Public Prosectors at the island of Sao Vicente (Cabo Verde)
19-20 May 2023 - An International Conference to promote ethics and integrity among the judiciary and to adopt and approve the code of ethics for public prosecutors was organized by Cabo Verde’s Attorney General’s Office with the assistance of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (through CRIMJUST III) at the island of Sao Vicente (Cabo Verde). The main objective of this event was to foster a dialogue around integrity-related challenges faced by prosecutors as well as to promote good practices to support judicial institutions, to ensure their resilience towards organized crime. Participants to this 2-day event included 45 public prosecutors from Cabo Verde, Mozambique and Bolivia.
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UNODC CRIMJUST jointly with AIAMP International Cooperation Network promotes strategies to strengthen the fight against organised crime between Argentina and Chile
27-28 April 2023 - The Public Prosecutor's Offices of Argentina and Chile, with the facilitation of CRIMJUST and the International Cooperation Network of the Ibero-American Association of Public Prosecutor's Offices (AIAMP), held a meeting in Santiago de Chile to strengthen the establishment of joint investigation teamsand discuss responses and strategies addressing organised crime.
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Need for enhanced cooperation to address cocaine surge highlighted at UNODC global report launch
16 March 2023 - How to strengthen international responses to address challenges posed by record cocaine supply and surging demand was the focus of a panel discussion today to launch a new global report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
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CRIMJUST delivers training on Recovery of Criminal Assets for selected West Africa countries (Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, Togo)
7 to 10 March 2023 - The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) held a regional training on the "Recovery of Criminal Assets" in Grand Bassam to strengthen institutional capacities of participating countries to achieve an efficient asset recovery system.
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UNODC launches a new analytical report on "Analysis of Opiate Stamps Seized in the Indian Ocean, 2017-2021"
7 March 2023 - The Afghan Opiate Trade Project (AOTP), under the framework of the Global Programme on Criminal Network Disruption, launched its new study on "Analysis of opiate stamps seized in the Indian Ocean, 2017-2021", providing unique insight into the production and trafficking of Afghan opiates, and related criminal enterprise.
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CRIMJUST inaugurates the experimental laboratory of the National Training Centre for Police in Colombia to strengthen institutional responses to cocaine production and trafficking in Latin America, the Caribbean and West Africa
27 February to 3 March 2023 - CRIMJUST held an official ceremony to inaugurate the experimental laboratory of the National Training Centre for Police (Escuela Nacional de Entrenamiento Policial – CENOP), in Tolima, Colombia.
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CRIMJUST delivers training to managers of intelligence units in West Africa to develop intelligence and research capability and to foster police-to-police cooperation
30 January to 1 February 2023 - UNODC delivered a training on "Criminal Intelligence for Managers" to strengthen institutional capacities of Togo, Benin and Cote d'Ivoire to utilize criminal intelligence analysis as part of the development of forward-looking disruption strategies targeting organized crime groups in line with Human Rights.
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CRIMJUST delivers a Training on Transnational Drug Trafficking Financial Investigations to investigators and prosecutors from South America
5 - 8 December 2022 – The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, under the framework of CRIMJUST – “Criminal Network Disruption Global Programme”, in association with INTERPOL, held, between 5 and 8 December, a broad and in-depth training on the investigation and prosecution of transnational drug trafficking cases. The training was delivered to 26 participating investigators and prosecutors from 6 South American states, primarily in the southern cone, namely: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay and Peru.
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CRIMJUST delivers a training on the investigation and prosecution of transnational drug trafficking for Central American and Caribbean authorities
21 - 24 November 2022 – The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, under the framework of CRIMJUST – “Criminal Network Disruption Global Programme” held, between 21 and 24 November, a broad and in-depth training on the investigation and prosecution of transnational drug trafficking. On this occasion, it was delivered in collaboration with experts from the Iberoamerican Network of Anti-Drug Prosecutors (RFAI) from the Iberoamerican Association of Public Prosecutors (AIAMP) to 18 investigators and prosecutors from Central America and the Caribbean, counting on participants from Panama, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and Costa Rica.
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CRIMJUST investigative case forum between Costa Rica and Spain promotes cooperation & ensures that drug-related crimes are investigated beyond seizures
14 to 16 November 2022 – CRIMJUST - Criminal Network Disruption Global Programme hosted, between 14 and 16 November, in San José, Costa Rica, an Investigative Case Forum between Costa Rica and Spain. The event counted with the participation of a total of 13 criminal justice officials, including investigators, customs agents, and public prosecutors from both countries.
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Cyber-enabled drug trafficking: UNODC CRIMJUST and Cybercrime programmes deliver a series of trainings in West Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean
11 November 2022 – With support from the European Union and the US Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, the training 'Cyber elements of drug trafficking investigations', launched by CRIMJUST and Cybercrime by the end of 2021, is a series of hands-on exercises designed to provide law enforcement and judiciary officers with the knowledge, tools, and training necessary to investigate and prosecute cyber aspects of drug trafficking.
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CRIMJUST regional project in West Africa unrolls series of trainings to bolster judicial integrity in Côte d’Ivoire
November 2022 – The CRIMJUST regional project unrolled a training programme on ethics and integrity for magistrates in Cote d’Ivoire over a three week-period, delivering one training-of-trainers and two cascaded trainings on ethics and integrity to magistrates.
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UNODC launches Report on "Afghan Women and the Opiate Trade"
7 November 2022 – A research study on Afghan Women and the Opiate Trade was launched by the Afghan Opiate Trade Project (AOTP) at CRIMJUST, Border Management Branch, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). The report provides a unique insight into the role of Afghan women in the opiate trade in Afghanistan..
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CRIMJUST delivers dedicated trainings on maintenance and updating of Raman TruNarc device to West Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean
12 and 13 October 2022 –The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, under the framework of CRIMJUST – “Criminal Network Disruption Global Programme” and in collaboration with the UNODC Laboratory and Science Services, delivered on 12 and 13 October, two trainings on the maintenance and updating of Raman TruNarc field drug detecting device. The training tailored for investigators and prosecutors from Ghana and Nigeria was held on October 12, while the training tailored for Latin America and the Caribbean was held on October 13, with several countries participating, including Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay, the Dominican Republic, Panama, Colombia, Peru, and Argentina.
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CRIMJUST bolsters research and intelligence capability of investigative units in Togo and Benin
12 to 23 September 2022 - The CRIMJUST project “Strengthening criminal justice responses to drug trafficking and related organized crimein Coastal Francophone countries in West Africa” held a two-week training on “Criminal Intelligence Analysis” from 12 to 23 September 2022, in Cotonou, for 20 analysts from Benin and Togo. Read More

CRIMJUST delivers Training-of-Trainers on ethics and integrity for law enforcement officers from Togo and Benin
September 2022 – The CRIMJUST regional project – “Strengthening criminal justice responses to drug trafficking and related transnational organized crime in coastal Francophone countries in West Africa”, funded by the U.S. State Department, delivered two trainings-of-trainers on ethics and integrity to 15 investigators from the Republican Police and the Gendarmerie, in Cotonou and Lomé respectively. These capacity-building activities were developed and delivered in partnership with the UNODC Corruption and Economic Crime Branch.
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CRIMJUST holds a Training on "Cyber Elements of Drug Trafficking" in Central America
1-5 August 2022 – The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime for Central America and the Caribbean (UNODC ROPAN) under the framework of CRIMJUST – “Criminal Network Disruption Global Programme” and Cybercrime conducted a continuation of the training on cyber elements of drug trafficking and open sources investigation (OSINT) for investigators and prosecutors from Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, and the Dominican Republic.
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CRIMJUST holds an Investigative Case Forum in Lisbon, Portugal on interregional cooperation on post-seizure actions between Cape Verde, Brazil and Spain
27 July 2022 – In light of a transnational high-volume seizure off the coast of Cape Verde involving a suspected organized crime group, UNODC under the framework of CRIMJUST set up an Investigative Case Forum between prosecutors and investigators from Brazil, Cape Verde and Spain. This forum aimed to promote regional and interregional cooperation with a view to strengthening criminal investigations within the participating countries and explore the possibilities of conforming a Joint Investigation Team to support the identification and disruption of the transnational criminal network involved in this seizure.
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UNODC CRIMJUST launches Cocaine Insights 4 with spotlight on COVID-19 impacts on regional and transatlantic cocaine routes through Brazil
19 July 2022 - COVID-19 and its impact on the cocaine supply chain in and around Brazil is the subject of the fourth in the series of ‘Cocaine Insights’, released by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the Centre of Excellence for Illicit Drug Supply Reduction in Brazil (CoE). The virtual event, counted with the participation of the European Union, represented through the Global Illicit Flows Programme and Brazil’s National Secretariat on Drug Policy and Asset Management (SENAD).
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CRIMJUST launches new INL-funded project in response to increased trafficking via coastal countries in West Africa
8 July 2022 - The United Nations Resident Coordinator Office in Benin and the U.S. Embassy in Cotonou announced the launch of a new United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) project in Benin.
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UNODC and INTERPOL deliver an innovative CRIMJUST training for The Gambia, Nigeria and Ghana on financial aspects of transnational drug trafficking in Lagos
20 June 2022 - The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and INTERPOL held a joint training on "Transnational Drug Trafficking Financial Investigations" in Lagos, 24 investigators and prosecutors from The Gambia, Nigeria and Ghana.
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CRIMJUST's first training in Abidjan marks soft launch of its INL-funded project in Côte d'Ivoire to strengthen criminal justice responses to organized crime in West Africa
13 June 2022 - The CRIMJUST-West Africa project “Strengthening Criminal Justice Responses to Drug Trafficking and Related Transnational Organized Crime in Coastal Francophone countries in West Africa” is holding training on “Best Practices to Investigate and Prosecute Transnational Drug Trafficking” in Abidjan to 23 investigators and magistrates from Cote d’Ivoire.
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CRIMJUST holds soft-launch for INL-funded project in Togo to bolster Ivoirian, Togolese and Beninese institutional capacities to investigate and prosecute illicit trafficking
31 May 2022 - West Africa has experienced a resurgence of drug trafficking in recent years casting new light on its role along illicit global supply chains. In response, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) of the U.S. State Department are launching a new project, dubbed “CRIMJUST - Strengthening Criminal Justice Responses to Drug Trafficking and Related Transnational Organized Crime in Coastal Francophone countries in West Africa”.
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CRIMJUST holds a Technical Training for Institutional Strengthening in relation to the Production and Trafficking of Cocaine
30 May-1 June 2022 - In the wake of the changing panorama of cocaine production processes, UNODC under the framework of CRIMJUST delivered the 3-day technical training on cocaine production to upgrade the technical knowledge and strengthen capacities law enforcement officials and prosecutors from Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Ecuador, Panama, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Costa Rica, to detect, investigate and dismantle illicit drugs laboratories.
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CRIMJUST jointly with RFAI holds side-event at 31st Session of the CCPCJ on Global Challenges and Strategies in the Prosecution of Transnational Drug Trafficking Cases
18 May 2022 - CRIMJUST jointly with the Network of Anti-Drug Prosecutors of Ibero-America (RFAI) organized a side event in the margins of the 31st Session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ). The side event “Global challenges and strategies in the prosecution of cases of transnational drug trafficking”, aimed at promoting the exchange of information between anti-drug prosecutors in the course of joint transnational investigations.
CRIMJUST holds an Experts Working Group on Best practices for investigation and prosecution of trafficking drug transnational cases
17-19 May 2022 - CRIMJUST held a meeting with experts on Best practices for investigation and prosecution of trafficking drug transnational cases with countries belonging to the Network of Anti-Drug Prosecutors of Ibero-America (RFAI) such as Argentina, Spain, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Chile; to enhance participants' ability to deal with drug trafficking and transnational organized crime cases.
CRIMJUST and the Global Programme on Cybercrime have joined efforts to tackle the cyber elements of drug trafficking
26 to 28 April 2022 - The CRIMJUST Global Programme and the Global Programme on Cybercrime have organized a series of capacity-building activities for investigators and magistrates from West Africa in an effort to strengthen their capacities to carry out cyber investigations and to investigate illicit activities linked to drug trafficking.
CRIMJUST holds Regional Investigative Case Forum to tackle Drug Trafficking via General Aviation in Latin America
28 - 29 March 2022 - The UNODC and Interpol held an Investigative Case Forum in Lima to address the rising use of general aviation to traffic drugs from production areas to Southern Cone countries.
CRIMJUST holds Regional Investigative Case Forum to tackle Drug Trafficking via General Aviation in Latin America
28 - 29 March 2022 - The UNODC and Interpol held an Investigative Case Forum in Lima to address the rising use of general aviation to traffic drugs from production areas to Southern Cone countries.
CRIMJUST organizes the first capacity-building on “Cyber Elements of Drug Trafficking Investigations” under the framework of its new INL-funded project in West Africa
21-24 March 2022- The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) held a training on “Cyber Elements of Drug Trafficking Investigations”, in Cotonou, Benin for law enforcement officers from the Republican Police of Benin and from the Gendarmerie of Togo.
CRIMJUST holds a meeting to support the implementation of Joint Investigation Team in Buenos Aires, Argentina
14 March 2022 - The European Union (EU) funded CRIMJUST Global Programme and the Ibero-American Network of Anti-Drug Prosecutors (RFAI) facilitated a meeting to support the implementation of a joint investigation team.
CRIMJUST holds its Annual Meeting for Latin America and the Caribbean in Cartagena, Colombia
1-3 February 2022 - The EU-funded CRIMJUST Global Programme held its Annual Meeting for Latin America and the Caribbean in Cartagena, Colombia, to discuss the programme’s progress as well as to outline future implementation.
CRIMJUST and the Ibero-American Network of Anti-Drug Prosecutors hold "Conference on Prosecution Strategies: Challenges posed by Synthetic Opioids"
20-21 January 2022 - The CRIMJUST Global Programme and the Ibero-American Network of Anti-Drug Prosecutors (RFAI) facilitated a conference, involving 13 countries across Latin America and Europe, to discuss the challenges facing criminal justice practitioners in effectively prosecuting and adjudicating synthetic opioids trafficking.
Story published by the Spanish Prosecution Office here
CRIMJUST holds side-event to promote integrity in border management
16 December 2021 - During the Conference of the States Partiers to the United Nations Convention Against Corruption, the CRIMJUST Global Programme hosted a hybrid side event on “Integrity in Border Management” co-organized with AIRCOP, the European Union and G5 Sahel, to highlight how enhanced institutional integrity and accountability are paramount to ensure effective border management.
CRIMJUST - Operation Azure targeting synthetic opioids trafficking in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean results in 18 arrests and the seizure of over 480 kg of drugs
7 to 8 December 2021 - With a total of 125 illicit drug seizures, “Operation Azure” saw law enforcement officers from 10 countries intercept illicit drugs and disrupt synthetic opioid trafficking across Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean.
CRIMJUST delivers twelve trainings as part of Operation Azure in Bogota, Colombia, to strengthen institutional capacities against synthetic opioid trafficking in Latin America and the Caribbean
4 to 15 October 2021 - The CRIMJUST Global Programme carried out twelve capacity-building activities in Bogota, Colombia, in partnership with UNODC Forensic Science and Laboratory Section, to law enforcement officials, forensic experts, prosecutors and judges to Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Panama, Dominican Republic, the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay and Uruguay.
UNODC launches Operation Azure to prevent synthetic opioid trafficking in Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa
17 September 2021 - The growing availability, proliferation, and high potency of synthetic opioids has blurred the traditional security, health and legal standards used to prosecute and adjudicate drug trafficking cases. Against this backdrop, the CRIMJUST Global Programme is launching a global operation to help countries profile and prosecute the diversion and trafficking of synthetic opioids via parcels.
GIFP programmes CRIMJUST and AIRCOP deliver an inter-regional training on Special Investigative Techniques
22 - 23 June 2021 - The CRIMJUST Global Programme and the AIRCOP Communications Project, UNODC programmes funded by the European Union under the framework of the Global Illicit Flows Programme, delivered an online training on the special investigative technique of controlled deliveries for AIRCOP Joint Airport Interdiction Task Forces (JAITFs) officials and prosecutors from Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Panama, Colombia, El Salvador and Costa Rica, in partnership with the Network of Ibero-American Antidrug Prosecutors (RFAI).
CRIMJUST and SIMCI deliver flagship technical training to support 19 CRIMJUST beneficiary countries across Africa, Central America and Brazil strengthen their institutional responses to cocaine trafficking
26 June 2021 - The EU-funded CRIMJUST Global Programme and the Integrated Illicit Crops Monitoring System (SIMCI) delivered two trainings in June 2021 on cocaine production and trafficking investigations to some 325 law enforcement officials and prosecutors from 19 countries across Africa, Central America and Brazil to support countries develop effective institutional responses to illicit drug markets.
With the support of the European union, UNODC donates narco-testing kits and presents the course on Asset forfeiture for the FELCN
10 June 2021 - Thanks to funding provided by the European Union in Bolivia, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) donated equipeent and delivered a course on Asset Forfeiture to the Special Force against Drug Trafficking (FELCN), to support the fight against transnational illicit drug trafficking in the Plurinational State of Bolivia.
CRIMJUST holds side-event at the 30th session of the CCPCJ to showcase the judicial outcomes resulting from inter-regional criminal justice cooperation between Bolivia and European counterparts
19 May 2021 - The CRIMJUST Global Programme hosted an online side-event organized by the European Union, under the framework of the Global Illicit Flows Programme (GIFP), in partnership with the Plurinational State of Bolivia at the Thirtieth Session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Cooperation (CCPCJ) to launch the release of a manual on transnational criminal justice cooperation as well as to showcase the judicial outcomes of three Inter-regional Investigative Case Forums, involving Belgium and Bolivia, as well as Spain and Bolivia following significant seizures of cocaine originating in Bolivia.
UNODC and CRIMJUST host online training on Inter-regional Cooperation Asset Recovery
10-12 May 2021 - Within the framework of EU funded CRIMJUST Global Programme and Global Illicit Flows Programme (GIFP), UNODC and RFAI facilitated an online training on Interregional Cooperation on Asset Recovery, which main objective was to promote transnational cooperation as well as to enhance capacities for undertaking financial and asset investigations into drug trafficking.
UNODC CRIMJUST Research Segment presents findings on "The Changing Face of the Global Cocaine market: Reading the Trends to Respond with Foresight" during side-event at the 64th Session on the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
14 April 2021 - The UNODC Drug Research Section hosted an online side-event at the 64th Session on the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, within the EU-funded CRIMJUST Global Programme, to shed light on recent and current observed developments in the global cocaine market.
UNODC CRIMJUST and SIMCI launch online version of their technical training to strengthen institutional responses to drug production and trafficking
22-26 March 2021 – CRIMJUST and UNODC's Integrated System for Monitoring Illicit Crops (SIMCI) implemented a five-day online training, in daily sessions of two hours, on cocaine production and trafficking investigations to 73 prosecutors and investigators from Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay.
UNODC CRIMJUST and the Global Programme on Cybercrime develop series of trainings on "Cyber Elements of Drug Trafficking"
22-25 March 2021 – The EU-funded CRIMJUST Global Programme, in partnership with the Global Programme on Cybercrime, jointly implemented an online regional training for 21 investigators and 9 prosecutors from South Africa, Ghana and Nigeria on "Cyber Elements of Drug Trafficking" to enhance criminal justice practitioners' capacities to carry out online investigations and to prevent cyber-enabled drug trafficking crimes.
UNODC CRIMJUST Research Segment organizes first Expert Meeting of Strategic Analysts on Cocaine Trafficking and Markets
2-3 December 2020 – UNODC Drug Research Section held the first expert meeting on cocaine trafficking and markets ahead of the release of the Global Cocaine Report.
CRIMJUST hosts series of meetings for national stakeholders and partners to showcase 2020 achievements and align 2021 priorities
November 2020 – The EU-funded CRIMJUST Global Programme, hosted an onboarding meeting for newly supported countries on 18 November, and its Annual Meeting 24-25 November to discuss its progress during 2020 and identify its key priorities for the upcoming year.
UNODC Country Office in Bolivia, under the framework of CRIMJUST, presents E-learning and B-Learning introductory course on asset forfeiture to national judicial authorities
14-15 October - The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), within the framework of the EU-funded CRIMJUST Global Programme, presented the Introductory Course on Asset Forfeiture, available in E-learning and B-learning modalities, to the Supreme Court of Justice and the Attorney General Office's of Bolivia in the city of Sucre.
CRIMJUST replicates training on controlled deliveries and webinar on synthetic drugs for Lusophone countries
October 2020 - The CRIMJUST Global Programme, in partnership with the Ibero-Amreican Network of Anti-Drug Prosecutors (RFAI) and the Network of Anti-Drug Prosecutors of CPLP delivered two online activities for Lusophone countries, a training on controlled deliveries as well as a webinar on new psychoative substances, synthetic drugs and precursors.
CRIMJUST and RFAI facilitate side-event on "Controlled Deliveries: Trans-regional Criminal Justice Cooperation in Action" during the Conference of the Parties
12 October - During the 10th session of the Conference of Parties, the CRIMJUST Global Programme and the Ibero-American Network of Anti-Drug Prosecutors hosted a side-event to promote the use of controlled deliveries as a tool of criminal justice cooperation commemorating the 20th anniversary of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime.
CRIMJUST holds training aiming to strengthen capacities of Argentinian prosecutors and law enforcement officials on proceeds of crime
28 September - 2 October - The CRIMJUST Global Programme held a second online training on "Strengthening capacities of criminal justice institutions in the recovery of proceeds of crime", in partnership with the Ibero-American Network of Anti-Drug Prosecutors (RFAI) of AIAMP and the Office of the Public Prosecutor in Argentina..
CRIMJUST launches a four-part series of webinar on the importance of studying and responsible to the illicit drug market through a gender lens
23 September - The CRIMJUST Global Programme, funded by the European Union under the framework of the Global Illicit Flows Programme, held a webinar on "Victims and Participants: women along the drug supply chain, experiences from Colombia" discussing the role of women in drug production and trafficking.
CRIMJUST and AIRCOP pool resources together to deliver online training on ethics and integrity for law enforcement officials in Cabo Verde, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau and Nigeria
19-21 August - The global programmes CRIMJUST and AIRCOP, implemented by the United Nations on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and part of the EU-funded Global Illicit Flows Programme, joined efforts to deliver a series of country-specific trainings on ethics and integrity in law enforcement to AIRCOP Joint Airport Interdiction Task Forces (JAITFs) officials from West African countries.
CRIMJUST and RFAI organize webinar on the evolution of the synthetic drugs and opioids markets
19 August - The Global Programme CRIMJUST, in partnership with the Ibero-American Network of Anti-Drug Prosecutors (RFAI) of the AIAMP, organized a webinar on the evolution of the synthetic drugs and opioids markets to over 450 attendees from 26 different countries from across Central and South America and the European Union via the Microsoft Teams platform.
UNODC strengthening of police responses to gender-based violence in Mexico proven to have strong positive impact
July 2020 - The UNODC Liaison and Partnership Office in Mexico, with the support of the Embassy of the United States of America in Mexico and within the framework of the Global Programme CRIMJUST, began the implementation of the Program for Strengthening the Security of Groups in Situations of Vulnerability in 2016.
CRIMJUST, in partnership with the Iberoamerican Network of Anti-Drug Prosecutors, delivers series of online courses on controlled deliveries
18-21 May - The CRIMJUST Global Programme and the Iberoamerican Network of Antidrug Prosecutors have band together to deliver four online trainings on controlled deliveries to tackle transnational drug trafficking.
Dominican Republic, Spain and Panama review the state of the criminal justice cooperation during Inter-Regional Investigative Forum in Santo Domingo
17-18 February- CRIMJUST organized an Inter-regional Investigative Case Forum in Santo Domingo, bringing together law enforcement officials and prosecutors from Spain, the Dominican Republic and Panama to review cocaine seizures and to discuss opportunities to enhance criminal justice cooperation between the three countries.
CRIMJUST supports follow-up Inter-regional Investigative Forum between Spain and Ecuador
13-14 February- CRIMJUST held an Inter-regional Investigative Case Forum between Spain and Ecuador in Guayaquil, involving 14 prosecutors and law enforcement officials, to review the current state of their criminal justice cooperation and to identify opportunities to strengthen their collaboration.
Fifth CRIMJUST Project Steering Committee and Coordination takes place in Brussels
20 January- Implementation agencies, partners and donors met at the UN House in Brussels, Belgium, to review CRIMJUST's impact and achievements to date, as well as to coordinate its further implementation.
CRIMJUST in parternship with UNODC COCOL held an all-female training for Institutional Reinforcement against Cocaine Production and Trafficking in Colombia
02-06 December - The under-representation of women in criminal justice institutions has a negative impact on numerous aspects of drug responses. UNODC CRIMJUST, with the support of SIMCI, took this issue head-on by implementing a capacity building course for female law enforcement officers and prosecutors.
CRIMJUST supports meeting between focal points from the Network of Prosecutors of the CPLP to discuss drug trafficking
04-06 December - The CRIMJUST programme organized a meeting between prosecutors from the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPLP) in Lisbon as part of its efforts to foster inter-regional cooperation among prosecution agencies.
CRIMJUST aligns efforts with UNODC Opioids Strategy to hold an Expert Meeting to validate guidelines for judiciary and forensic experts handling criminal cases involving synthetic opioids
21 November - Under the UNODC Opioids Strategy, the CRIMJUST program organized an expert meeting to review the guidelines for prosecutors, judges and forensic experts for cases involving synthetic drugs.
CRIMJUST organizes Investigative Case Forum between the Republic of Ecuador, the Republic of Colombia and the Kingdom of Belgium
06-07 November - Law enforcement officials and prosecutors from Ecuador, Colombia and Belgium met in Bogota to discuss current cocaine trafficking trends affecting their respective countries as well as to assess the current state of their criminal justice cooperation.
CRIMJUST welcomes investigators and prosecutors from across Africa and Brazil for an Inter-regional Drug Case Forum
29-30 October - As part of its efforts to strengthen criminal justice cooperation beyond interdiction activities, CRIMJUST held an Inter-Regional Investigative Drug Case Forum in Accra, Ghana, bringing 31 law enforcement officials and prosecutors from across Africa, Brazil, Spain and Portugal.
Law enforcement officials and prosecutors from Bolivia and Belgium meet for the second CRIMJUST Investigative Drug Case Forum
22-24 October - Law enforcement investigators and prosecutors from Bolivia and Belgium met in Antwerp, to strengthen cooperation in the investigation and prosecution of transnational drug trafficking cases involving both countries.
CRIMJUST holds its first Investigative Case Forum between Ecuador and Spain
01-03 October - CRIMJUST held its first Investigative Case Forum between Ecuador and Spain in Madrid, marking its strategic shift from enhancing national capacities to strengthening criminal investigation and judicial cooperation along drug trafficking routes.
CRIMJUST holds Fourth Technical Training for Institutional Reinforcement against Cocaine Production
23-27 September - CRIMJUST held a five-day technical training for law enforcement and judicial officials from across Latin America and the Caribbean to strengthen institutional understanding of the technical and chemical processes involved in coca bush cultivation and cocaine manufacturing.
Cabo Verde, USA and UNODC implement Basic Investigation Techniques Training for Law Enforcement officers in the island of Sao Vicente
09-13 September - A training on Basic Investigation Techniques, focused on Investigation Methodology and Interview Techniques, was carried out to strengthen criminal investigation capacities of police and public prosecutors.
UNODC ROPAN and CRIMJUST hold workshop to combat money laundering in the Dominican Republic
31 July-02 August - UNODC ROPAN, under the framework of CRIMJUST, held a workshop on measures to combat money laundering and strengthen institutional integrity in the fight against drug trafficking for 30 prosecutors.
CRIMJUST presents activities at the 2019 Law Enforcement Advisor Meeting in Vienna
26-29 August - CRIMJUST Head of Global Programme, Glen Prichard, and Programme Officer, Daniela Baptista were among the experts to speak at the 2019 Law Enforcement Meeting in Vienna.
CRIMJUST holds workshop on asset recovery in Panama
24-25 July - UNODC ROPAN, under the framework of CRIMJUST, held a two-day workshop on asset recovery in the city of David, Panama, underscoring the importance of depriving organized crime groups of their illicit proceeds.
CRIMJUST joins regional meeting to discuss key findings of UNODC study on tramadol trafficking
24-25 July - Nigeria and Regional Office for West Africa organized a meeting in Lagos on 24 and 25 July 2019 to discuss the findings of a study on tramadol and other pharmaceutical opioids trafficking in West Africa funded by the European Union (EU).
CRIMJUST and Peru join efforts to strengthen national counter-narcotics strategy
23-25 July - UNODC officers from CRIMJUST and the Integrated Illicit Crop Monitoring System Project (SIMCI) travelled to Peru for a four-day mission to explore potential pathways to further support the country in its efforts to counter cocaine trafficking.
UNODC ROPAN and CRIMJUST offer judicial update on criminal justice and prosecution of organized crime in Panama
22-23 July - UNODC ROPAN and CRIMJUST, in collaboration with Project PANZ41 "Consolidation of the Criminal Procedure Reform in Panama", held a workshop to take stock of the implementation of the accusatory criminal system in Panama.
Ghana Detective Training School officially adopts CRIMJUST training program on integrity and ethics
15-17 July - The Detective Training School of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of the Ghana Police Service officially adopted the CRIMJUST Training Program on Ethics and Integrity, meaning a two-day module will now be integrated in each of its training cycles, with a view of strengthening a climate of integrity within the institution.
CRIMJUST to provide support to Ecuador during post-seizure phases of investigations
12-16 July - In an effort to facilitate cooperation and information exchange between criminal justice agencies for effective action in drug trafficking cases, the CRIMJUST team met with senior officials from Ecuador, including prosecutors, government representatives, and Anti-Narcotics Police, in Guayaquil and Quito.