Evaluation Reports 2019 |
Western Balkans Counter-Serious Crime Initiative (WBCSCi) in the context of the Integrative Internal Security Governance (IISG) mechanism including the European Union action: "Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II) Multi-Country Action Programme 2017 - Support to the Western Balkan Integrative Internal Security Governance"
Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Formative |
n/a |
Global Action against Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants (GLO.ACT) (GLOZ67) Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
5,8,10,16 |
XCA/X75: Apoyo al A.B.1 Coordinación Interinstitucional y Regional para la seguridad fronteriza en Centroamérica
Evaluation Report (in Spanish with English Ex. Summary); Evaluation Brief (2-pager) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
SDG 16 |
XSP/Z91: United Nations Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption Project Phase II (UN-PRAC)
(Note: This evaluation was managed jointly between UNODC and UNDP, thereby adapting the evaluation process accordingly.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid-term |
SDG 8,19,16,17 |
EGY/Z33: Improving the Criminal Justice Response to Violence against Women in Egypt
Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
SDG 5,8,16 |
MEX/Z93: Fortalecimiento para la Seguridad de Grupos Vulnerables
Evaluation Report (in Spanish with English Ex. Summary); Evaluation Brief (2-pager) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
SDG 16 |
GLO/Z99-segment: Asia-Pacific Joint Action Towards a Global Regime Against Corruption (2016-2020) Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid-term |
SDG 16 |
PSE/Y13: Supporting the establishment of an evidence based drug dependence treatment and rehabilitation system for the Palestine National Rehabilitation Center
Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
SDG 3 |
BHU/Z13: Enhance Government and Civil Society Responses to Counter Trafficking in Persons in Bhutan
Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
SDG 5,8,16 |
NGA/X60: Support to anti-corruption in Nigeria. (FINALISED IN 2018)
(Note: This evaluation was finalised in 2018, but only cleared for publication in 2019 due to internal review processes.) |
Final |
n/a |
MEXK54: Sistema del Monitoreo de Cultivos Ilícitos en el Territorio Mexicano Evaluation Report (in Spanish with English Ex. Summary); Evaluation Brief (2-pager) (English); (Spanish) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
SDG 16 |
XAS/V23: Support Project for the SADC-UNODC Regional Programme on: Making the SADC Region Safer from Drugs and Crime, with the specific focus on Violence against Women and Children
Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
SDG 5, 16 |
Evaluation Reports 2018 |
Law Enforcement and Border Control in Central Asia (Sub-programme XAC/Z60 and projects TAJ/E24, TAJ/H03, RER/H22, and XAC/K22)
Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Thematic Cluster |
SDG 3, 5, 11, 15, 16 |
Global research projects of the Research and Trend Analysis Branch (GLOU34, GLOX64, GLOV44, GLOV20 and MEXX35)
Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2 page summary) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid-term Cluster |
SDG 3, 5, 15, 16 |
Global Programme on Paris Pact Initiative Phase IV - A Partnership to Combat Illicit Traffic in Opiates Originating in Afghanistan (GLOY09)
Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid-term |
SDG 3, 16 |
PSE/X02: Forensic Human Resource and Governance Development Assistance for the Palestinian Authority
Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
SDG 16 |
XLA/Y08: Support to Demand Reduction of Drugs in Andean Countries - PREDEM
Evaluation Report (in Spanish with English Ex. Summary) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
SDG 3,5 |
Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid-term |
SDG 1,3,10,16,17 |
GLO/T63: Support to crime prevention and criminal justice reform
Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
SDG 5,11,16 |
MEX/Z56 Fortalecimiento de las estructuras de seguridad y justicia en el Estado de Coahuila de Zaragoza
Evaluation Report (in Spanish with English Ex. Summary) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
SDG16 |
KEN/Z04: The Police Reform Programme in Kenya
Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
SDG 16 |
MMR/Z39: Sustainable Livelihoods and Development in Myanmar 2014- 2019 - Sub-Programme 5 Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid-term |
SDG 1,2,5,8,9,10,15 |
GLO/R35-Nigeria segment: EU-Nigeria-UNODC-CTED Partnership Project II: Assisting Nigeria to strengthen rule of law-based criminal justice responses to terrorism
Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
SDG 5,16 |
GLO/Z82: Global Programme for the Implementation of the Doha Declaration: towards the promotion of a culture of lawfulness
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid-term |
SDG 4,5,16,17 |
RER/F23: Strengthening drug law enforcement systems for criminal intelligence collection, analysis and exchange
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
SDG 16 |
UZB/U57: Umbrella project in support to the implementation of ROCA Program ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
SDG 5,16 |
IND/A03:Strengthening Anti-Corruption Institutions in Indonesia" (Forming part of the Sub-Programme 2 on Anti-Corruption of Indonesia Country Programme 2012-2016)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
SDG 16 |
XAP/A10: Strengthening and Enhancing the Capacity of Law Enforcement Officials in Combating Child Sex Offenders in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Viet Nam - (Sub-Programme 4, Regional Programme for Southeast Asia and the Pacific)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
SDG 5,16 |
Evaluation Reports 2017 |
Global Programme Against Money-Laundering, Proceeds of Crime and the Financing of Terrorism (GPML) (GLOU40)
Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid-term |
Global Programme against Trafficking in Persons (GLOT59) and the Global Programme Against Smuggling of Migrants (GLOT92)
Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid-term Cluster |
BOL/Z68: Assistance Programme to the Implementation of the Action Plan for the Strategy for the Fight against Drug Trafficking and Reduction of Surplus Coca Cultivation, 2011 - 2015
Evaluation Report (in Spanish with English Ex. Summary) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid-term |
COL/H45: Integrated Monitoring System of Illicit Crops in Colombia SIMCI II
Evaluation Report (in Spanish with English Ex. Summary) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid-term |
KGZ/K50: Strengthening the Counter Narcotics Service of the Interior Ministry of the Kyrgyz Republic
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
XCE/A01: OFID/UNODC Partnership on Effective HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care among Vulnerable Groups In Central Asia and Eastern Europe - Phase II
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid-term |
XAS/S69: Capacity building for Member States of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) in the ratification and the implementation of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its two first additional Protocols
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid-term |
NGA/V18: Support to the Justice Sector of Nigeria
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
GLO/U40-Mekong region: Activities Conducted in the Mekong Region under the Global Programme Against Money Laundering, Proceeds of Crime and the Financing of Terrorism
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
MEX/X89: Promotion of cooperation between Mexico and Central America to prevent and combat the smuggling of migrants
Evaluation Report (in Spanish with English Ex. Summary) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
KGZ/T90: Criminal Justice Programme in the Kyrgyz Republic
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
IND/A06: Promoting Alternatives to Incarceration for Convicted Drug Users, including Rehabilitation and Probation (Forming part of the Sub-Programme 5 on Drugs and HIV of the Indonesia Country Programme 2012-2016)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
XSS/V02: HIV and AIDS Prevention, Treatment, Care and Support in Prison Settings in Sub-Saharan Africa
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
1213V: (UNDA) Integrating crime, corruption, drugs and terrorism related issues into the preparation of national plans and processes
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
ARE/K09 Capacity building of NRC as a drug demand resource centre for UAE and the region. This evaluation-process was discontinued and the report not published as it did not meet UNEG and UNODC Evaluation Norms and Standards. The limitations were impacting the overall quality of the collected data and in particular UNEG norm 3 (credibility) was not fulfilled, even though the evaluation team tried to address these challenges in the best possible way. For further information, please contact us. | ||
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ||
Evaluation Reports 2016 |
Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid-term Cluster |
Prevention of transmission of HIV among drug users in the SAARC countries - Phase II Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
Evaluation Report (in Spanish with English Ex. Summary) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
BOL/Z18: Institutional transparency and citizen participation in local governance Evaluation Report (in Spanish with English Ex. Summary) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
BOL/Y15: Prevention of drug abuse in educational communities of Bolivia Evaluation Report (in Spanish with English Ex. Summary) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid-term |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid-term |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
LAO/X26: Strengthening Criminal Justice Responses to Human Trafficking in Lao PDR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
KGZ/K50: Strengthening the State Service on Drug Control of the Kyrgyz Republic - Phase I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid-term |
Evaluation Report (in Spanish); (in English) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
Evaluation Report (in Spanish with English Ex. Summary) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final |
PER/G34: Integrated illicit crop monitoring system in Peru Evaluation Report (in Spanish with English Ex. Summary) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid-term |
PSE/X02: Forensic Human Resource and Governance Development Assistance for the Palestinian Authority ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid-term |
Evaluation Reports 2015 |
Global Programme "Joint Action towards a Global Regime against Corruption" (GLO/X69) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Mid-term |
Regional Programme West Africa (2010-2015) - "Supporting the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Political Declaration on the Prevention of Drug Abuse, Illicit Drug Trafficking and Organized Crime in West Africa, adopted at the thirty-fifth Ordinary Session of the Authority of Heads of State and Government of ECOWAS"
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final | |
Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid-term |
Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final | |
National Integrated Programme Paraguay (2011-2014)
Evaluation Report (in Spanish with English Ex. Summary) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final | |
Regional Programme for Eastern Africa - "Promoting the Rule of Law and Human Security in Eastern Africa"
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final | |
Strengthening the legal regime against Terrorism (GLO/R35)
Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid- term |
Regional Programme for South Eastern Europe (2012-2015) (XCE/U60) Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final | |
Regional Programme for Afghanistan and Neighbouring Countries (2011-2015)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid- term |
UNODC interventions in Central America (2009-2013)
Evaluation Report (in Spanish with English Ex. Summary) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final | |
Support to the work of the Conference of the Parties to the UNTOC Convention (GLO/T60)
Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid- term |
XAF/K45: Response to the Social and Livelihood Needs for HIV/AIDS Prevention in East Africa
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final | |
GLO/U61: UNODC Global eLearning - making the world safer from drugs, crime and terrorism
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final | |
XAC/K22: Countering the trafficking of Afghan opiates via the northern route by enhancing the capacity of key border crossings points (BCPs) and through the establishment of Border Liaison Offices (BLOs)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid- term |
BRA/X63: Support to the National Secretariat of Justice for improving the implementation of the National Policy to Fight Human Trafficking
Evaluation Report (in Spanish with English Ex. Summary) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final | |
TIL/X78: Strengthening Land Border Control in Timor Leste
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final | |
RER/E29: Precursor Control in Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) and Azerbaijan
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final | |
BGD/X79: Technical Assistance provided to the Government of Bangladesh in Strengthening the Responses to Human Trafficking
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final | |
XSP/X70: UN Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption (UN-PRAC) Project (Joint UNODC-UNDP Evaluation)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid- term Joint |
Independent Cluster Evaluation of: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Final Cluster | |
KGZ/T90: Criminal Justice Programme in the Kyrgyz Republic
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid- term |
1011AY/ROA-204-7B: Promoting Rule of Law and Governance in the Criminal Justice System in Liberia
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Final | |
Evaluation Reports 2014 |
Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (UN.GIFT; GLOS83)
Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) Please also see the Mid-term In-Depth Evaluation Report of UN.GIFT (2011) ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Final | |
Global Programme on HIV/AIDS (2008-2012)
Evaluation Report; Annexes; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) ----------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid- term |
Country Programme Promoting the Rule of Law and Publish Health in Pakistan (2010-2015)
Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) ----------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid- term |
Country Programme of the Islamic Republic of Iran (2011-2015)
---------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid- term |
Country Programme Bolivia
Evaluation Report (in Spanish with English Ex. Summary); Evaluation Brief (2-pager) (English); (Spanish) ---------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid- term |
Programme Participatory Self-Evaluation of the Country Programme Afghanistan (2012-2015) Evaluation Executive Summary; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) Initially designed as an In-depth Evaluation (IDE) of the Afghanistan Country Programme, the IDE could not take place due to security and administrative constraints. At the risk of not undertaking a mid-term evaluation at all, there remained a short window of opportunity for the Independent Evaluation Section (IES) to adapt and devise a dedicated methodology for a programme of this scope: the Programme Participatory Self-Evaluation (PPSE) methodology. The full report will be made available upon request. Please send a request to IES. --------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid- term |
Legal Advisory Programme (GLO/900)
As the evaluators were only able to provide for a partial deliverable but not a final evaluation report in line with UNODC and UNEG Evaluation Norms and Standards, a decision was taken not to publish the report but only to provide for an Evaluation Brief: Evaluation Brief (2-pager) |
Final | |
Afghan Opiate Trade Project
This evaluation report was invalidated by an internal investigation and is therefore not publicly available anymore. A new independent evaluation for the Afghan Opiate Trade Project will be planned in line with UNODC Evaluation Norms and Standards. |
Mid- term |
XSP/T78: Smuggling of Migrants: Establishment of a Coordination and Analysis Unit (CAU) for East Asia and the Pacific ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Final | |
XAP/U59: Partnership Against Transnational-Crime through Regional Organized Law-Enforcement (PATROL)
------------------------------------------------------------ |
Final | |
GLO/T55: Promoting the implementation of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children, and the Protocol against Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, both supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime
----------------------------------------------------------- |
Final | |
IDN/T80: Support to improved security by provision of capacity building to the Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation
----------------------------------------------------------- |
Final | |
VNM/S79: Strengthening Viet Nam criminal justice response to human trafficking and migrant smuggling through enhanced border control capacities and international cooperation ---------------------------------------------------------- |
Final | |
GLO/U40 - Activities in the Mekong Region: Global Programme Against Money-Laundering, Proceeds of Crime and the Financing of Terrorism (GPML), Activities in the Mekong Region
---------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid- term |
XAC/X44: Strengthening the capacity of the Central Asian Republics to protect and assist victims of human trafficking and smuggling migrants, especially women and children, in partnership with NGO and civil society actors
--------------------------------------------------------- |
Final | |
XSP/T33: Project Childhood - Protection Pillar: Enhancing law enforcement capacity for national and transnational action to identify and effectively act upon travelling child-sex offenders in the Mekong
-------------------------------------------------------- |
Final | |
BRA/X63: Support to the National Secretariat of Justice for improving the implementation of the National Policy to Fight Human Trafficking -------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid- term |
XME/X19: Strengthening the framework of the Arab Region to prevent and combat human trafficking
-------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid- term |
EGY/X49: Supporting Measures to Combat Corruption and Money Laundering, and to Foster Asset Recovery in Egypt
-------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid- term |
IDN/T81: Support to the fight against corruption in Indonesia -------------------------------------------------------- |
Final | |
LAO/K18: Reduce the spread of HIV harm associated with Injecting Drug Use amongst men and women in the Lao PDR: HAARP Country Flexible Program Lao PDR
------------------------------------------------------- |
Final | |
LAO/K46: Phongsaly Alternative Livelihood and Food Security Project (PALAFS)
------------------------------------------------------- |
Final | |
RAS/H71: Prevention of Spread of HIV Among Vulnerable Groups in South Asia ------------------------------------------------------- |
Final | |
XEE/T93: Assessment of corruption and crime in the Western Balkans
------------------------------------------------------- |
Final | |
LBN/T94: Reinforcing Human rights and Democracy in Lebanon - Penal reform focusing Prison reform
------------------------------------------------------- |
Final | |
SDN/X06: Assisting the Process of Prison reform in Southern Sudan - phase III
------------------------------------------------------- |
Final | |
JOR/T36: EC-UNODC Support to the Juvenile Justice System in Jordan ------------------------------------------------------- |
Final | |
PAN/X12: Supporting Prison Reform in the Republic of Panama (Phases I and II)
Evaluation Report (In Spanish with English Ex. Summary) ------------------------------------------------------- |
Final | |
XAC/X50: Strengthening Criminal Justice Capacities of Central Asian Countries to Counter Terrorism in Compliance with principles of Rule of Law ------------------------------------------------------- |
Final | |
GLO/X42: Management of the Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children -------------------------------------------------------- |
Mid- term |