Economic and Social Council | |
Distr. E/RES/1974/1847(LVI) | |
1974/1847(LVI). | Convention on Psychotropic Substances: ratifications and accessions*/ |
The Economic and Social Council, Recalling its resolution 1773(LIV) of 18 May 1973 and General Assembly resolution 3147(XXVIII) of 14 December 1973, in particular paragraph 2 of the latter resolution, Conscious of the public health and social problems resulting from abuse of psychotropic substances, Noting with concern the increasing abuse of and illicit traffic in psychotropic substances, Noting also the statement of the International Narcotics Control Board, in its report for 1973,12/ that the situation should not be allowed to drift further and that the Board trusts that all Governments that have not already done so will urgently consider ratifying the Convention on Psychotropic Substances,13/ of 1971, remembering that abstention by a single country trading in these substances may result in evasion of internal controls in other countries, Convinced that the Convention constitutes a necessary instrument in the fight against the abuse of and the illicit traffic in such substances, Urges Governments, in particular Governments of countries directly related to the manufacturing and production of and trade in psychotropic substances, to ratify or accede to the Convention on Psychotropic Substances, of 1971, as soon as possible. 1896th plenary meeting, 12/ E/INCB/21 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.74.XI.2). 13/ E/CONF.58/6 and Corr. 1 and 2.