The ICCS has been endorsed by the United Nations Statistical Commission at its 46th session in March 2015 (E/2015/24-E/CN.3/2015/40), and the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice at its 24th session in May 2015 (E/2015/30-E/CN.15/2015/19), as an international statistical standard for data collection. The two Commissions have also confirmed UNODC as the custodian of the ICCS and have endorsed the implementation plan, including the creation of a Technical Advisory Group (TAG). The TAG-ICCS was established as a group of national experts to provide technical advice to UNODC on the development of methodological guidance on the ICCS and on activities needed to support countries in the production of statistics compliant with the ICCS.
Adopt the Terms of Reference of the TAG-ICCS
List of Participants
Report of the First Meeting of the Technical Advisory Group on the ICCS, 12-13 May 2016
The ICCS: update on state of Implementation
Mapping national data into the ICCS framework: experiences, challenges and Experiences from: