The event was dedicated to discussing the successful strategies and challenges for addressing the use of technology and innovation in the fight against trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants. Panelists discussed how multisectoral partnerships that help combatting trafficking in persons can be created, and how the strategic involvement of youth and technology may support the fight against these crimes.
Specifically, DataJam, an international technology competition against modern slavery and alternative learning scenario to educate next generations of citizen capable of disrupting human trafficking and forced labour through innovation, entrepreneurship and technology, was presented. Panelists also discuss RESIST, a non-profit website that educates men on the consequences of purchasing sex and the reality of human trafficking industry and 'Wilburn', an AI powered chat box that communicate with sex buyers and takes them to a journey of understanding. Panelists also presented obstacles and risks that hamper innovation in these areas. Time: 14:00 (CET) Link to the Meeting: Link to TEAMS Meeting Panelists : Ferlicity Gerry, International Lawyer and Professor of Legal Practice, Deakin University Sebastián Arévalo Sánchez , CEO and Co-Founder of Fundación Pasos Libres Team Buyer Resist, Winning Team of the Datajam against Exploitation Moderating: Martin Hemmi, Associate Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Officer, HTMSS, UNODC The meeting recording : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pe1u1l_LSRM |