Workshop: Stakeholder Engagement in the Implementation of the Review Mechanism of
the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime
Workshop benefits
Interact directly with experts supporting countries in the review process and connect with other stakeholders for developing strategies jointly on how to engage with governments.
The possibility to be invited to constructive dialogues. Constructive dialogues are meetings between the chair of the working group and non-governmental stakeholders, which will brief participants on the developments and outcomes of the review process, and collect inputs and suggestions from participants, including their contribution on ways to improve the implementation of UNTOC and its Protocols after governments have submitted their self-assessment questionnaires.
The possibility to be nominated for the Stakeholder Engagement for the UNTOC (SE4U) Focal Point role.
The possibility to be included in regional networks that facilitate the coordination of engagement in the review process.
Network with other civil society stakeholders, potentially beyond your country or region, and learn about opportunities to join global networks such as the NGO Alliance, the Global Initiative and the UNCAC Coalition.
The opportunity to learn about tools for engagement in the review process.
The opportunity to be included in the WhatsOn platform for stakeholders working to counter organized crime.
The possibility to feature an outstanding story about your work in combatting transnational organized crime or corruption in the Human Story section of the WhatsOn platform.
The possibility to be featured on UNODC Civil Society Unit’s webpage or social media in a Quote Card. If you have an opinion or statement you want to share with us, accompanied by a portrait picture or a picture of your organization, contact us.
The opportunity to be included on the list of relevant NGOs with relationship with UNODC. This could facilitate your participation in various intergovernmental meetings such as the Conference of the Parties to UNTOC and the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice.
Automatic admission in UNODC Stakeholder Engagement for UNTOC self-paced course if you successfully complete the workshop. This saves you the step of applying for a spot.