The UNODC Drug Dependence Treatment and Rehabilitation unit is currently implementing three global projects, which aim at supporting Member States in their efforts to provide evidence-based drug dependence treatment services for individuals affected by drug use disorders, with special focus on low and middle-income countries:
The UNODC-WHO Programme on Drug Dependence Treatment and Care, GLOK32 was officially launched as a flagship programme during the High-level Segment of the 52nd Commission on Narcotic Drugs (2009) and is being
jointly implemented with WHO. Given the complementary mandates of the two organizations, the project brings together UNODC and WHO under one single collaborative platform.
The programme strategy includes global and regional outputs, whilst project activities at national level are currently being implemented in 18 countries and regions around the globe. Needs and priorities are carefully assessed in dialogue with Member States. At the national level the project follows four synergic lines of action:
The OFID-UNODC Programme to prevent HIV/AIDS through Treatnet Phase II, GLOJ71 (2008-ongoing) is a follow-up project to Treatnet Phase I, GLOH43 (2005-2009). The overall goal is of this project is to increase access to drug treatment for all those in need, with a special focus on the prevention and treatment of HIV and AIDS.
The programme is being implemented in five geographic regions world-wide and has contributed to increase both the availability and quality of services for people affected by drug use disorders. In addition, it has made a contribution to reduce or halt the HIV/AIDS epidemic and has helped to improve the well-being and social integration of project beneficiaries.
The strategy to achieve the overall goal of this project includes three lines of action:
The UNODC programme on Preventing illicit drug use and treating drug use disorders for children and adolescents, GLOK42 was officially launched in 2011. The purpose of this project is to promote a worldwide, coordinated response of public institutions and NGOs to children and adolescents at risk and/or those negatively affected by drug use dependence, with the aim of preventing drug use, treating drug dependence and facilitating the re-entry and integration of youths and their families back into society.
The project's main strategy consists of a large scale mobilization, including the involvement of civil society, academics, media and high ranking personalities to call for immediate action to improve the living conditions of children worldwide, reduce the risks of developing drug use disorders and provide appropriate treatment strategies tailored to respond to the specific needs of this age group. Likewise, the project aims at implementing evidence-based drug prevention, treatment and social reintegration projects among children and adolescents in project countries.
More specifically, this strategy translates into the following specific areas of work:
The programmes of the Drug Dependence Treatment and Rehabilitation unit are being implemented in the following countries around the globe, with various degrees of interventions and progress.
The depiction and use of boundaries, geographic names and related data shown on this map does not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
Latin America: Brazil, Haiti
Africa: Benin, Cote d'Ivoire, Mozambique, Senegal, Togo
Europe: Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia
South East Asia: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Viet Nam, Myanmar
Middle East: Iraq, Pakistan, UAE
Latin America: Brazil, Colombia, Haiti, Nicaragua, Peru
Africa: Cote d'Ivoire, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Zambia
Cabo Verde, Liberia, Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Comoros, DRC, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Lesotho, Mauritania, Namibia, Niger, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia
Europe: Ukraine
Central Asia: Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan,Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan
South East Asia: Cambodia, Myanmar, Viet Nam
Africa: Liberia
Middle East and Central Asia: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Iran, Pakistan