There is no universal definition of cybercrime. Broadly, cybercrime can encompass both
cyber-dependent and cyber-enabled criminal activity.
The Global Programme on Cybercrime promotes long-term and sustainable capacity
building to prevent and counter cybercrime by means of establishing and
strengthening specialized national capacities in six areas:
The package of services includes both technical assistance and capacity building throughout the entire spectrum of the criminal phenomenon: from prevention to adjudication of the crime.
We work on creating awareness and educating vulnerable groups and key stakeholders (teachers, parents, civil society organizations, private sector and government officials) in safe and responsible use of Information and Communication Technologies, as well as on developing cybercrime reporting structures.
We work on detection and disruption of criminal activity, investigation on the clear and the darknet, collection and analysis of digital evidence and litigation of evidence at court.
We offer an advanced package of services on crime prevention and criminal justice responses related to the criminal use of virtual assets and online child sexual abuse and exploitation.
This expertise is delivered through a holistic technical assistance package covering: capacity building, cooperation, regulatory framework and prevention.