Cybercrime capacities include:
The Global Programme on Cybercrime model of impacting Member States’ capacities in
cybercrime is a gradual and multi-disciplinary process. Each stage depends on the
circumstances of each country and their level of commitment to strengthen their
In general terms, the model consists of following steps:
UNODC assesses the capabilities of the Member State to counter and prevent cybercrime
1. Based on that assessment, considering national, bilateral and multilateral capacity-building efforts, UNODC and the Member State agree on a tailored national plan of activities considering external circumstances and additional input from third parties.
2. Initial training and guidance of practitioners occurs in selected intervention areas. When possible and available, institutional training schools or academies are involved to ensure sustainability and appropriation.
3. Initial training and guidance of practitioners occurs in selected intervention areas. When possible and available, institutional training schools or academies are involved to ensure sustainability and appropriation.
4. A team of cybercrime advisers and mentors is established to support trained officials in their work to prevent and counter cyber-enabled or cyber-dependent criminality.
5. Cybercrime advisers and mentors scale up support and prepare public officials to become trainers and multiply knowledge at national and international levels, fostering the exchange of best practice.
6. Awareness-raising materials, campaigns and civil society activities are developed in various areas of work in cooperation with local authorities to ensure continuity and an integrated approach.