Objective of the meeting was to launch pilot testing activities by:
Introducing the participating countries to the concepts and definition of illicit financial flows as included in the UNCTAD-UNODC Conceptual framework for the statistical measurement of illicit financial flows
Introducing the methodological guidelines developed so far by UNODC and UNCTAD, and presenting practical examples and good practices from previous pilot activities in Latin America and existing exercises in Laos and South Africa
Presenting the project implementation strategy, discussing the workplan of implementation activities and proposing possible coordination solutions
The meeting was structured around a plenary session to introduce the general features and concepts of the UNCTAD-UNODC Conceptual framework and the general workplan of activities, and a second session in two breakout rooms (one room focusing on methodological guidelines and practical examples on measuring IFFs from crime and illegal market activities – drug and wildlife trafficking – and the other breakout room focusing on illicit-tax related commercial practices).
List of Participants
Breakout room A:
IFFs from illegal market and other criminal activities
Breakout room B:
IFFs from illicit tax-related and commercial practices