Five years after the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development several countries are facing considerable challenges in monitoring targets in the areas of crime, violence, trafficking, access to justice and the rule of law. These targets are particularly relevant to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 (“Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels”), but also to Goals 3, 5, 11 and 15.
The current COVID-19 pandemic highlights the value of measuring and monitoring: no strategy can be developed, and no measure can be implemented without a proper monitoring and evaluation system.
Several countries in Africa have included SDG 16 in the national development framework, thus recognising the importance to address peace, justice and inclusion as part of sustainable development. However, reporting on progress on SDG 16 indicators, which has been a challenge globally, also remains limited in the region. Insufficient availability and quality of statistical information on SDG16 remains and directly hampers the capacity to implement the 2030 Agenda, as it prevents countries from generating evidence-based and effective policy responses to justice, security and governance challenges.
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) are organizing a series of interactive and focused online training workshops on measuring progress of SDG16 indicators in the African region.
The main objectives of the regional training are:
The training workshops will familiarize relevant stakeholders with the concepts, international standards, methodological tools, as well as an understanding of the challenges needed to measure SDG indicators related to preventing violence, strengthening criminal justice systems, prisons, access to justice, countering organized crime, illicit trafficking, and corruption.
The regional training will be held over the course of five consecutive weeks from 19 November 2020 – 17 December 2020, every Thursday at 14:00-15:30 CET.
For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact
Webinar 1 Measuring SDG 16: Opening Regional Meeting and Cross-Cutting Tools – 19 November
This webinar will present cross-cutting methodological tools to measure SDG indicators in the area of violence, crime, access to justice, corruption, governance and trafficking. Participants will be introduced to the objectives, format, and certification of the regional training programme. Guest speakers from a range of African Member States will present their national experiences on issues related to monitoring SDG 16.
International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes (ICCS)
UNODC-UNECE Manual on Victimization Surveys
United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (UN-CTS)
UNODC Overarching Tools and Publications relevant to Goal 16
Introduction to Measuring SDG 16 and Regional Training Programme – Mr. Enrico Bisogno, Chief, Data Development and Dissemination Section, UNODC
UNODC SDG 16 Cross-Cutting Tools and Data Collection – Ms. Sarika Dewan, Consultant, Data Development and Dissemination Section, UNODC
UNDP SDG 16 Cross-Cutting Tools and Data Collection – Ms. Mariana Neves, Governance Statistics Specialist, UNDP Oslo Governance Centre
KNBS ICCS Implementation in Kenya – Mr. Robert Buluma, Manager of Governance, Peace and Security Statistics, Kenya Bureau of Statistics
Praia City Group Handbook on Governance Statistics – Ms. Malene Almeida, Coordinator, Praia Group Secretariat, Cabo Verde
UBOS Data Gap Analysis for SDG 16 in Uganda – Ms. Dorcas Nabukwasi Halango, Senior Statistician, Uganda Bureau of Statistics
Webinar 2 Measuring SDG 16: Homicide and Other Forms of Violence – 26 NovemberThis webinar will focus on how to produce SDG indicators 16.1.1 on intentional homicide, 16.1.3 on victims of violence, 16.1.4 on feelings of safety, and 16.3.1 on crime reporting rate. Both the production of national administrative data and crime victimization surveys will be discussed. A guest speaker from Southern Africa will present new findings from their annual victims survey.
UNODC Tools and Publications relevant to Webinar 2
Measuring SDG 16.1.1 Intentional Homicide – Mr. Enrico Bisogno, Chief, Data Development and Dissemination Section, UNODC
Measuring SDG 16.1.3 Victims of Violence – Ms. Luisa Iriarte, Crime and Criminal Justice Researcher, UNODC-INEGI Center of Excellence (CoE)
Measuring SDG 16.1.4 Perception of Safety and 16.3.1 Crime reporting – Ms. Salomé FLORES, Director, UNODC-INEGI CoE
SDG Indicators in the Governance, Public Safety and Justice (GPSJS) in South Africa – Mr. Solly Molayi, Director for the section Governance, Public Safety and Justice Statistics, STATS SA
Webinar 2 Break-out session and discussion
Webinar 3 Measuring SDG 16: Organized Crime and Illicit Trafficking – 03 December
This webinar will focus on how to measure SDG indicators 16.2.2 on victims of trafficking, 16.4.1 on illicit financial flows and 16.4.2 on firearms trafficking. New methodologies as well as challenges to measure the number of undetected trafficking victims as well as the latest findings in Africa from the UNODC Global Report on Trafficking in Persons (2020) will be presented. This webinar will also feature preliminary results in measuring SDG16.4.1 from selected Latin American countries.
UNODC Tools and Publications relevant to Webinar 3
Measuring SDG 16.4.1 Illicit Financial Flows – Mr. Enrico Bisogno, Chief, Data Development and Dissemination Section, UNODC
Preliminary Results of the Pilot to Measure Illicit Financial Flows in Latin America – Ms. Salomé FLORES, Director, UNODC-INEGI Center of Excellence (CoE)
Measuring SDG 16.4.2 Firearms Trafficking – Ms. Giada Greco, Crime Statistics Technician, UNODC-INEGI CoE
Measuring SDG 16.2.2 Human Trafficking – Ms. Giulia Serio, Associate Expert, Crime Research Section, UNODC
Webinar 4 Measuring SDG 16: Corruption – 10 December
This webinar will focus on how to measure SDG indicators 16.5.1 and 16.5.2 on bribery and will discuss the methodology to conduct corruption surveys. Guest speaker from the Nigeria Bureau of Statistics will present their national experience in, as well as findings from conducting perception-based national corruption surveys in Nigeria.
UNODC Tools and Publications relevant to Webinar 4
Measuring SDG 16.5.1 and 16.5.2 Bribery among the Population and Businesses – Mr. Enrico Bisogno, Chief, Data Development and Dissemination Section, UNODC / Ms. Sarika Dewan, Consultant, DDDS, UNODC
Measuring Corruption in Nigeria – Mr. Adeyemi Adeniran, Director, National Bureau of Statistics, Nigeria
Webinar 5 Measuring SDG 16: Prisons, Access to Justice and Strengthening the Criminal Justice System – 17 December
This webinar will discuss the production of SDG indicators 16.3.2, 16.3.3, 16.6.2, 16.7.1 and 16.7.2. Participants will be familiarized with the tools need to measure aspects of access to justice, satisfaction with public services, inclusive representation and inclusive decision-making in Governments.
UNODC Tools and Publications relevant to Webinar 5
Measuring SDG 16.3.2 - Unsentenced Prisoners – Ms. Sarika Dewan, Consultant, Data Development and Dissemination Section (DDDS), UNODC
Measuring SDG 16.3.3, 16.6.2, 16.7.2 - Dispute Resolution and Satisfaction with Public Services – Ms. Aparna Basnyat, Senior Policy and Research Advisor, Oslo Governance Centre, UNDP
Measuring Access to Justice in South Africa – Mr. Solly Molayi, Director for the section Governance, Public Safety and Justice Statistics, Statistics SA
Measuring SDG 16.7.1b and c Inclusive Representation and Decision-making – Ms. Mariana Neves, Governance Statistics Specialist, Oslo Governance Centre, UNDP
Closing of the Regional Training on Measuring SDG 16 in Africa - UNODC/UNDP