Buenos Aires, Argentina - 12 to 14 July 2022, the UNODC’s Firearms Trafficking Section held a meeting with 42 representatives of Law Enforcement Agencies, Public prosecutors’ offices and Central Authorities from 14 Latin American countries with the aim to promote and coordinate regional efforts in countering illicit firearms trafficking and related crimes.
The main objective of the meeting was to define, develop and promote higher standards in the investigation and prosecution of illicit firearms trafficking and related crimes in the region, to promote the formation of joint investigation team and to strengthen regional cooperation and the capacities of criminal justice professionals, prosecutors, police and other agencies with investigation and prosecution functions in the field of arms trafficking and related crimes.
The meeting provided a forum for sharing the knowledge and best practices on the investigative approach, strategies in complex investigations and the challenges in the investigation and prosecution of crimes related to firearms. In addition, proactive investigative strategies were discussed, as well as linkages with other forms of crimes such as financial and money laundering investigations. Regarding international cooperation, collaboration between authorities from different countries at all levels was detailed, including shared intelligence and police, and judicial cooperation.
The meeting resulted as well in signing of a Framework Agreement for Assistance and Collaboration between the Attorney General of the Argentine Nation and the Ministry of Security of Argentina.
This project is funded by of the European Union.